Any exercises I could do at home?

I already do an hour of Zumba (Zumba Fitness Rush Xbox Kinect). I really love it! Anyway, are there any other exercises you do besides crunches ? Something fun? I live in a small apartment so as much as I want a treadmill, the only place I can put it is on the roof. I get anxious in public and due to my work schedule and school, I don't have much time to go for exercise classes.

I am also a clean freak, so i do housework at least once a week, I guess that counts as exercise lol. So yes, new suggestions?


  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    1. get a back pack
    2. fill said back pack with heavy crap
    3. do squats, over head presses, curls, squats, lunges, good mornings, sit ups, squats, whatever
    4. ????
    5. Profit.
  • You might check out or check them out on facebook.
    They have some great at home videos. They are high intensity but only 12 minutes. A new video is posted daily. I love body rockin!
    But you're exactly right, even staying active cleaning house, etc. is better than nothing.
    Remember you're lapping everyone on the couch!
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    My wife's a stay at home mom, so she can't really get out to a gym these days. I got her a kettlebell (15 lbs) and a standard barbell with 160 lbs of plates (2x25, 6x10, 4x5, 4x2.5 - $160 total). Pick up a set of those puzzle piece looking high density foam squares that go on the floor (cheap at Wal-mart or Lowe's). Put two down on each side where the plates touch the floor. Excellent home workout, and easily broken down and stowed away.

    You can do a ton with just a barbell - deadlifts, cleans, curls, front squats. No super-heavy weights, though. You want to stay light enough where you don't need a spotter, but heavy enough to get a workout with reps.