rest day --vent..not looking for lecture on taking a rest

Yes I know there will be those of you who say...GO and don't take a break. However..I found that the rest day does kick my burn back into gear even though I'm resting only the one day..but mother of all things exercise like in nature..I'm about to blow a gasket today. Everybody is getting on that last one nerve that is down to a shred. Maybe I better pick a different day for a rest day and just go out and blow off some steam.

anybody else get cranky on their days off?


  • gratitudeforall
    gratitudeforall Posts: 10 Member
    Do you mean a rest from tracking what you eat, a rest from eating at this level. a rest from exercise or a rest from all of the above? I've had a few days where I ate more than allotted amount or something special (my birthday, for one) and I think it helped me not feel deprived.
  • ldobson710
    My body loves my rest days, but my mind hates them. Move your rest day to a different day if you really have to today, or maybe go for a walk, do some yoga or something? I've found that "active" rest days like that will help settle my mind while letting my body recover from running/working out all week.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    My body loves my rest days, but my mind hates them.

    Agreed! I also struggle with rest days. I know that between distance running, strength training, and now some two-a-days, I need to recover, but my brain won't shut up sometimes. "Just a few pushups...maybe some ab work...c''ll feel better". I usually end up doing a lot of things to distract myself.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    Oh sorry..yes I should have said this was my "rest day" from walking. My best friend and I walk 3 miles every other day. After going back and forth and hearing rest, don't rest (repeat) we decided to test the theory and found out we were indeed losing more weight when we walked every other day opposed to every day (not sure why..just was the way it worked for us). And it has not helped that our midwest Indian Summer has kicked back in complete with humidity and air that makes you not be able to breathe when outside.

    Oh yeah my mood and mind definitely suffers when it's the "off" day. Other factors apparently warranted a nap I hadn't intended though. A trip to see my 90 year old next month mother...and trip to the DOT to get my license renewed (that place would test a saint)..and then to the ever dreaded walmart. When I got home I was done for awhile. I'm back up now and have to kick it into high gear and do SOMETHING or I'm not going to hit any of my fitbit goals!

    Thank all of you for not "scolding me" and it is nice to hear that others take days off and it does sound like you also know this almost like a down from a high kind of feeling.