Okay...forreal this time!

chera325 Posts: 38 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Helllooo everyone!

My name is Chera and today, I'm going to start to try FORREAL to lose this last 20 lbs. I've been "trying" for about two weeks now, but I just can't seem to get it together and buckle down. As others have mentioned, I am the QUEEN of coming up with excuses: "I'll start over again tomorrow....I had a long day today, I'll go to the gym tomorrow....I'm going out with friends, I'll just eat what I want for this ONE meal, then start over again tomorrow." This cycle has me constantly starting over, constantly on a "diet," and constantly manipulating myself out of doing what I should be doing.

I lost about 50 lbs. last year, when I had no job and a light course load in college, so I do know what it is that I have to do to make this last 20 come off; however I now have a full time job and when I get off of work and I'm exhausted, I find that it's becoming easier and easier to just go home and veg out for the evening.

No one thinks that I'll actually get this last 20 off even though I've already lost 50. I want so badly to prove them wrong.

SO, today, I am starting FORREAL! I am sick of feeling uncomfortable in public; I am sick of being bigger than my boyfriend; I am sick of being the "big girl." I WILL be my ideal body weight of 175 lbs by June 1st :)

Thanks for listening/reading my venting!


  • kelligirl
    kelligirl Posts: 210
    I hear ya..... I'm starting this again today too - for real!! Best wishes to you:wink:
  • I'm with ya! I am also the Queen of ... I'll start again tomorrow! My problem is the best time for me to work out is morning and I am just so tired! Getting up @ 5:30 is really hard!

    Good Luck to you and all of us!!
  • vwalton327
    vwalton327 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Chera!

    I know EXACTLY where you're coming from! By the time I get off work in the evening and check on my parents, its already 7:30pm-8pm and I have no desire to do anything.

    I lost 20lbs last year without exercising by just eating a healthy diet. I need to loose 20 more so I know I will need to include some type of exercise into my evening. I decided on getting a Wii Fit with my income tax refund to help get me started!!!
  • chera325
    chera325 Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you all for your support. It really helps to have people to hold myself accountable to, and who understand where I'm coming from!

    Good luck to all of you as well!
  • :smile: I'm starting today too and have decided it's either now or never. I've been on and off a diet for years. Good luck to us all!
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