*Ahem* Any determined MFP users out there?

Hey everyone! Well I've actually been using MFP just to log for a while now but I finally stumbled upon the site and was wondering if anyone wanted to be friends.

I've been having a hard time getting where I want to be and toning up. Currently I'm 5.2 Ft., 22 years old and 105lbs. I love rock climbing, hiking, swimming, mountain biking and engaging in just some lazy friendly recreational sports (tossing a frisbee, football or kicking a soccer ball around). I also was doing the Insanity challenge, but I've slowed up on that now that I've hit the second month, and will be going to school soon for my first year of college - exercise regime will decrease, no doubt.

I'm not too sure what I'm doing wrong with my eating and exercise routine, but I thought I'd give a calorie zig-zag pattern a shot. I have muscle on my upper and lower body, but the fat on the lower half doesn't seem to want to pack up and leave. I thought I ate healthily and exercised enough, excluding last week when I was camping, but who knows. If you've had success or just some suggestions with anything in particular toss 'em my way!

I do log on very regularly, so if anyone has an open diary and needs some active support or wants to lend some I'd be thrilled to add you =D


  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    two words. Strength training. :)
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    Feel free to add me!
  • zewolf77
    zewolf77 Posts: 173 Member
    Sure.. add me. Always great to have more people for support. I'm about halfway through my overall goal. I know where i want to get both weight and tone wise. "Can't" has been removed from my head... only "Will" remains.
  • sirmio
    sirmio Posts: 44 Member
    My guess would be that you have a low body fat percentage already, so losing that bit on your lower half is going to be really hard. Your BMI (I know how inaccurate this measure is) is 18.7, which puts you at the border area between normal weight and underweight.
  • Drussander
    Drussander Posts: 266 Member
    I agree with "strength" training. I have a bowflex and also do body weight exercises (the more I lose, the less I have to lift, lol). I noticed you are a former knee surgery recipient, so keep those quads strong and maybe also try cycling.

    Also, I found that eliminating high sugar and highly processed foods really helped me.

    Good luck.