Ok, so im fasting but just for 24hours. Do you think this will affect my weigh loss? They said you need to eat 1200 calories a day to not put your body inot starvation mode and weight gain. But im also able to have coffee and water through this day. Tell me your thoughts.


  • sssrip
    sssrip Posts: 72
    What is the purpose of the fast?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Your body doesn't go into survival mode overnight. It's a gradual process. It might sound funny, but our bodies are kinda gullible. We can trick them into doing just about anything, including surviving on low calories. Now I saw gullible, and not dumb, because our bodies eventually figure out "Heeeeeyyy... WAIT A MINUTE!" And correct themselves by going into starvation mode, but, like I said, that takes a long time of tricking it.
    You should be fine if it's just a 1 day fast.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    FOR what? just interested..
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    You guys are nosy :-P

    It's either for medical or religious reasons. Either way, it's kinda nunya
  • jennbissonnette
    Haha. A lot of people are asking why im going on this fast. Its a spiritual fast. My family is having some troubles emotionally and financially so im going on a fast to get closer to god.


    And yeah, you are nosy! lolololol. I would ask too though. Haha
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Aww, good for you Jenn!
  • jennbissonnette
    Aww, good for you Jenn!

    Thank you!
  • 2blakefield
    There is quite a bit of information on the the benefits of IF (intermittent fasting).
    Here is just one link, with studies cited.
  • happylb
    I fast for religious reasons from time to time, and while I've not done so since joining MFP, in the past I found that it did impact my weight loss. Almost every time I fasted for 24 hours, I lost about 3 pounds in one day. Then, I wouldn't lose anything for 4 days or so. I would never fast with the purpose of losing weight and it's not like I was losing "real weight", but it was good to know that I wouldn't crash out my metabolism in just one day.

    I hope all goes well.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I also fast for religious reasons, usually the first Sunday of each month. I'm diabetic, so it's dangerous for me to fast from food, so I find other things to fast from that I enjoy. When it's a spiritual fast, making the sacrifice is the important thing.
  • jennbissonnette
    I agree and im happy to see that their are people who are religious and speaking out. Im proud of you guys! Thanks for all the information!!!

  • rlslpn
    rlslpn Posts: 5
    Im doing a 21 day daniel fast. It is fruits, vegtables and grains. I use soy products for protein and have felt great. It so far has not effected my weight loss. In fact it has really cleaned my system.
  • sirCed
    sirCed Posts: 16
    Why are you fasting?
  • sirCed
    sirCed Posts: 16
    i thought you shouldn't be advertising the fact that you are on a fast? i'm interested
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    i thought you shouldn't be advertising the fact that you are on a fast? i'm interested

  • sirCed
    sirCed Posts: 16
    If you are asking what i am talking about then nevermind.