Weird Weight Loss/Gain

First of all I know im new here, just looking for someone that may be able to help me.
Ive had this issue for a while, always seemed to be overweight and the past year ive really tried to do something about it but im having no luck. Im 5"11 and weigh about 212 pounds looking to get around 180.
I have problems eating, i usually eat once a day and a small meal at that. I consume under 1,000 calories a day and run/walk 2 miles a day so that has to burn some along with lifting weights occasionally.
Even with all of this ive been stuck around 212 for the past 6 months. There will be some weeks where i will gain up to 220 then the next week it will drop to 209. Sometimes it will change 5-8 pounds overnight.
I would really like some help with what i should be doing, i know im definitely not eating right but shouldnt the lack of calories equal weight loss still and not gain?
Also im not eating less to try and lose weight, i just really have no appetite most of the time for some reason?


  • Neecie910
    Neecie910 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm new here too! :smile:

    I'm also not a big fitness person but I did read that if you don't eat you could send your body into starvation mode, which makes it store more fat! I

    I'm a big girl and usually don't like to eat very much, but recently I've been eating 2 meals per day plus snack and have lost about 8 pounds in 2-3 weeks (I'm terrible with keeping track of things, which is why I'm on here to log my food!)

    Anyways long story short, I would say try to eat 3 meals per day. They don't even have to be big meals, sometimes I will eat a banana for breakfast, a piece of bread or something really small, dinner is usually left overs from the night before, and then I eat dinner.

    Also not sure about how much water you drink but I did read (somewhere) that this helps too! I've been drinking nothing but water for at least a month and IDK if it's helped with the weight loss but it can't be bad right?

    I hope this helps you some....
  • Eating the 3 meals a day makes sense. Does it matter when they happen? I often find myself to busy to take the time for a meal and sometimes i find it to where i just cant make myself eat. I guess i have a slow metabolism or something because i can go a few days with just drinking a 20oz coke each day and never eat and not feel the least bit hungry?
  • Neecie910
    Neecie910 Posts: 11 Member
    Hmmm... not sure. I would say keep them around the same time, but I'm sure you can eat whenever you want. Trust me... when you start eating regularly you will have an appetite and also start to see lose weight. That's how it's been happening for me.

    Try it and let me know how it goes.... :happy:
  • For the weight fluctuations my guess is your water weight; as you take in more Carbs you get glycogen (or was it glucose...), one gram of glycogen (or glycogen...?) has 2-3 water molecules to it; so 1 gram glycogen or glucose means 2 or 3 grams of water. Now why you aren't losing weight is because you are simply not eating enough. Now before screaming "Witchcraft!" basically you're body is saying "The duce?! Where is our foods!? It's a famine! Hide the fat!" So your body is clinging to its fat. Now if you sat on your butt all day and did nothing your body would be stripping your muscle away, but luckily your walking and weight lifting. My suggestion would be to increase your caloric intake about 100 every week until you begin to see consistent weight loss WEEKLY. Don't check every morning, like some kid on Christmas morning looking at all 'dem presents... Weight loss takes time. And if you're not very hungry try taking in some HEALTHY fats. What is a healthy fat? Things like olive oil for example; pretty much the unsaturated fats. Also make sure you are getting adequate protein. You may also be eating the wrong foods. 100 calories of pizza is not the same as 100 calories of apple. Hope this helps.