Life Begins at 40

Hi, I'm Aretha!

Ok - I'll be 42 in November and am enjoying life more than ever. Life really does get better after 40!

I want to lose weight to be healthy and I also want to be a good example for my kids (not shopping in the plus section would be nice too)!

It's time to do something about this! Are there any over 40 folk out there ready to make this commitment with me?! We can do this!



  • ChanyL
    ChanyL Posts: 41
    I'm 40! I don't have a life similar to yours (single, no kids boooo :( ) but having someone my age going through something similar will help me out for sure.
  • ree1170
    ree1170 Posts: 10
    Sent you a Friend Request! Let's do this, Sis!!!
