What keep you going?

I must have looked crazy today while I was at the gym.. here I am on the Elliptical trainer ( doing the personal trainer mode set for an hour on level 3 for 6.2 miles per hour ) My face is beat red, my gray shirt is covered in sweat at minute 33 and my body was telling me , JUST ****ING QUIT! I'm not going to lie, my pace began to slow and my finger was inching toward that cool down button. Then, out of no where there was this voice that said, SHUT UP. QUIT WHINING and JUST FREAKIN DO IT. I pushed myself harder than I ever thought I could push myself today, every time I started to huff and puff or get tired and want to quit I would say out loud, you can do this amanda! Keep it up!
By the end of my workout I had gone 5.33 miles, 60 minutes plus a 5 minute cool down at 6.5 miles per hour burning 733 calories ( says my pedometer and the machine so I know its accurate) I am so proud of myself. I would never have made it a few months ago.

what keeps you going when you feel like you are going to quit? I'm just curious....


  • Lee716
    Lee716 Posts: 150 Member
    Smaller clothes in my closet with the tags still on. I bought the clothes last year but gained weight before I could wear it out. :cry:

    They fit at one time and I'm determined to finally wear them. Plus I live in Florida and the extra bulk is so uncomfortable and cumbersome.
  • Knowing that I have it me. Having the conviction that I can. I trust myself...
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    My wardrope that i hvnt been able to fit into in MONTHS. Plus i tell myself to do everything i can to TODAY because i dnt know what TOMRROW will bring. And like u, i hve been working out and started tlkng to myself as if i was tlkng to someone else. lol
  • GaidenJade
    GaidenJade Posts: 171
    I guess, it's about being tough, both mentally and physically. The way of the warrior and all that. It's about pushing yourself and knowing that if you ever need that little bit of extra strength to handle something horrible, you have it. I won't be the type to run and hide, or fail because I was too weak to get through it.

    My hubby says I should join the army. :tongue:

    So I think about pushing through the pain, the doubts and force my way to the me I want to be. The strong me, the me that is better than I was yesterday.
  • Definitely clothes. I lost almost 70 pounds and was starting to get toned and I just... stopped. I still weight the same, but eat like crap and don't exercise. I threw out all my bigger clothes and I refuse to buy clothes in a bigger size.
  • accutron
    accutron Posts: 10
    I do the same thing. You don't want to let yourself down so you dig deep & get that motavation to hit your goal. Do that again & when that goal gets easy raise the bar again! Keep it up!
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    What keeps me going is if I can achieve success I might learn to like myself.
  • there are times when I felt like that too. but I keep doing it because I knew there would be results in the end. Don't give up push your self a little everyday. I learned that from Jillian Michaels
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    Great job Amanda!

    I just tell myself to finish out this song, and then, that wasn't so bad I can make it through another one and another . . . .
  • peace_pigeon
    peace_pigeon Posts: 120 Member
    Knowing that if I don't keep strong and healthy, my auto-immune disease will get stronger and stronger until it takes charge. That is not something I want for myself or my family! I love that I can ride my horse, climb mountians, run- all of it. The second I quit, I'm in trouble. I'm NOT Quitting!!!
  • coops9999
    coops9999 Posts: 11 Member
    Great job Amanda!

    I just tell myself to finish out this song, and then, that wasn't so bad I can make it through another one and another . . . .

    I do the same thing with TV shows on the machines at the gym.... I'll just keep going until I see if the Gold Rush guys find the gold etc :-)
  • Girl- I can totally relate to this one. I didn't get to sleep until 2am Sunday morning and 1am Monday morning. Well, I started feeling it today...Anyway, made myself go to the gym. Did a half hour and that was all I planned on doing when I got there. I got to the 30 minute point and did the same that you did. I kept on going. I did 50 minutes total. I was drenched in sweat and beat red face also. I think setting goals by certain dates help. I also have a pic of last Christmas that we send to customers. I looked so fat that I didn't send it to anyone hardly. I had customers asking why I didn't send a pic this year and I just said it wasn't a good pic. These are customers I have sent these pics to for about ten years or longer now. This year- it's going to be different. I will send that picture to everyone. I will be confident of the way I look. I have lost 17 pounds since 8/8 and I have 45 more to go by Christmas. I also want to look good in a bathing suit by Spring Break. GOOD JOB for sticking it out! Don't you feel a sense of accomplishment when you walk out of the gym...I sure do.
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    What keeps me going is if I can achieve success I might learn to like myself.
    Owww. This makes me sad. :cry:

    Learn to like yourself now! Success is more successfull (:huh: ) if you're doing something because you like yourself and are worth it rather than thinking that achieving a goal will make you like yourself. Expecting an accomplishment to improve your self worth brings disappointment with it. I've learned this the hard way. Like yourself where you are at now, and it will be easier to achieve success!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    What keeps me going is something someone said to me last fall. She's lost 175 pounds over 3 years ago. When I told her an NSV I had in the gym she said "of course you could do that! We forget that we carried the excess weight around for so long and our bodies are so much stronger because of it!". So now when I need that extra push I think to myself I am strong and I'm carrying less than ever before so I can do this! And I get it done!
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    Giving back all these gains and belief in myself that I can do this s***! Many other sources including my Hustlaballa Challenge fam on MFP. We all need someone to push us as its too easy to screw a day here and there and then you just stop altogether.
  • when i could get to the gym, I would rationalize, hey, it's only an hour and if you make it through the first 15 minutes, your half way to the half way point and then you're almost done anyway, so just get it done!
  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    Knowing that i dont want to look like this anymore....that i want to shop in the regular clothes section....that i'm at high risk for heart disease and diabities because of family history.....that my husbands heart failure means i cannot afford to gamble with my health any longer for the sake of my kids!!! Pretty straight forward huh???
  • 1, Thinking about my obese patients and all of the challenges we face in caring for them.
    2. How much better I feel and can play with my kids and run around with them.
    3. Having MFP friends cheer me on as the weight comes off.
    4. Having people asking ME fitness and nutrition advice.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    My life depends on it, I had way to many health problems when I was overweight for a 32 year old man.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Habit. I've been on maintenance for so long I'm just used to it now. It feels good and it looks good so why mess with it? :flowerforyou:

    What kept me going before maintenance? MFP is fun to use and it was kind of like a game to me, watching my numbers on bloodwork come back better over time cheered me on, and knowing I had a marathon coming up kept me on track with my running.