plantars fasciitis

Hey everyone -I was wondering if any of you have ever had plantars fasciitis before. I have been struggling with it for months. I even stopped running for the last two weeks and I went to the doctor and he forced me into getting a cortisone shot:( Well I am afraid this quick fix is not going to help in the long run(excuse my pun). Anyone ever had it on here? Also how did you get rid of it?...its really cutting into training for the hyvee triathlon


  • Slimmasaurus
    Slimmasaurus Posts: 141 Member
    The best trick I was told is to freeze a bottle of water, then use it as a foot roll to relieve the pain and inflammation. I hope you find a solution soon!
    I don't think you can 'get rid' of it without an operation, but I might be wrong.
  • 2_young_2B_old
    2_young_2B_old Posts: 90 Member
    I have it. I don't run and walking is very painful, and I just deal with it I plan to learn the stretches that help and star rolling out my foot with a golf ball or something. Haven't yet.
  • I have it and it come and goes. I am just getting over the last bout that has kept me from the gym, swimming and walking the dog.

    I have had the shots... many times and they do work. Your doctor should also give you an anti-inflammatory which also helps. The best thing to do is to stretch and ice. I know it sounds simple but is really the best way.
    Eventually you should have a prescribed orthotic for your shoes. NO FLIP FLOPS or bare feet ever!
  • cwelch2677
    cwelch2677 Posts: 69 Member
    I've had it for years. It's really bad 1st thing in the morning and after a run. I take an anti-inflammatory right after my runs and try to stretch it a lot. The frozen water bottle helps when it gets worse than usual. It hasn't stopped me from running yet. I got some minimalist shoes and that actually helped a lot. Hope you get some relief :)
  • crazy8ts
    crazy8ts Posts: 360
    Suffered with it for several years... and have a job where I had to be on my feet all day, so it was pretty brutal. I used to roll my foot out (like already recommended) on a tennis ball... or a firm sponge ball... and a frozen bottle of water... but what finally helped was yoga. More so, the posture 'downward dog.'

    Not only does it stretch out your hammys and calves, but it'll hit the tendons in the bottom of your feet. About a year and a half ago, I wanted to start the P90X program, but was concerned because my feet hurt so bad... decided I would power through it... one of the videos is yoga. Suffered through that and, the first day after yoga, woke up without as much pain in my foot for the first time in a long time... after that I was hooked on it... by the time I was done with the program, I could run sprints with no pain. I can't assure you you'll have the same results, but hey... a little yoga never hurt anyone, right?
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hey everyone -I was wondering if any of you have ever had plantars fasciitis before. I have been struggling with it for months. I even stopped running for the last two weeks and I went to the doctor and he forced me into getting a cortisone shot:( Well I am afraid this quick fix is not going to help in the long run(excuse my pun). Anyone ever had it on here? Also how did you get rid of it?...its really cutting into training for the hyvee triathlon

    This works better than anything else:
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    I think they make supports for PF and stretching devices. Doctor knows best.
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    I had it and it took about 2 years before I notice one day I was pain free, now I don't think it was actually 2 years for it it heal that is just when I suddenly realized I was not in pain. for me I did daily stretches also before even getting out of bed I would lay on back with feet planted as close to butt as possible for one snooze alarm cycle. tennis ball rolling, water bottle frozen rolling, athletic taping on bottom of foot helped too. there is a specific way to tape, I do not have the link I am sorry but I found it online when searching for remedies. I also found avi-motion shoes to be a lifesaver for work, my feet said aaaaah as soon as I put them on. lastly I took a pain killers-anti inflammatory medicine. I found only 1 kind helped for me that was naproxen sodium, I do not want you to take my word for the medicine as everyone cannot take everything so check with doctor on that please. I really do hope you find a faster remedy than I did as that contributed to by weight gain I used it as an excuse to not do anything when I could have done yoga Pilate's swimming or floor work. I could have done the weight machines as well. there are many exercises that can be done while dealing with this injury I just didn't. i had it in my head that if I couldn't walk I couldn't do anything.
  • Cgirlish
    Cgirlish Posts: 263 Member
    I didnt go to the doctors, but think I just got it from running too .... I bought new orthotics for my running shoes and a strassburg sock that helps stretch it... on my 3rd week of no running ... thinking of going to the doctors next week if it is still bothering me
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    I got it after spraining both my ankles falling down the stairs. It was absolutely terrible for a long time, but it has eased up considerably since I started losing weight. I only really notice it early in the mornings these days. The braces that hold your feet in place overnight help.
  • I had it and was able to alleviate the pain with stretching my foot before I got out of bed. I read that in an article somewhere. Fortunately as I lost weight it went away. That is just my experience.
  • ilovefood87
    ilovefood87 Posts: 41 Member
    stretch and ice your foot when it hurts. good supportive shoes help too. as far as i know there is no way to get rid of it besides surgery. i always just treat my symptoms. good luck.
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    I had that for a couple of years and cortisone shots did not help. What helped me most was a gel insole and putting Absorbine, Jr on my foot every night before I went to bed. No more pain. :)
  • The best trick I was told is to freeze a bottle of water, then use it as a foot roll to relieve the pain and inflammation. I hope you find a solution soon!
    I don't think you can 'get rid' of it without an operation, but I might be wrong.
    This is exactly what my doc told me and it take about 15 minutes in the morning before i can get my walk in. Works good for me. Good luck.
  • marylou1976
    marylou1976 Posts: 106 Member
    I've had it for a couple of years, I've had steriod injections 3 x they work for a while then wear off :(

    I've also had shockwave therapy, again it worked for a while, next step is surgery, it is linked to weight gain so I'm hoping it will get better as the lbs drop, but as others have said you can get special insoles for your shoes and ne ver wear completly falt shoes/flip flops, also the rolling of the ball helps and you can google excersises to help

    all the best mary
  • lynn14
    lynn14 Posts: 116
    I have had it and at times it is really bad. I feel for you!

    I have had cortizone shots and almost 3 months ago, they put me under to give me 6 shots!!! It has helped and I continue to stretch, ice baths. I have started to have my hubby wrap it with KT tape. That has given me enough support and it is working. I started slowly adding mileage to my runs and I am up to 6 at this time. It will be an issue I will deal with for as long as I am active.

    Don't throw in the towel, be patient and listen to your body.

    Good luck!
  • I've got it--I replaced my running shoes, which helped some. I'll keep a cold pack on it for a few on really bad days and I'll skip the running. If you feel the need to go to the gym when it's acting up, try the elliptical.
  • Misslisat
    Misslisat Posts: 203 Member
    I apply direct pressure to it, constantly. It's finally starting to work itself out, but it still hurts. It's just a different type of hurt than it was before, more of a dull ache. As for the pressure, I press my foot against the leg/base of my work chair and kind of 'knead' it. Hurts like crazy when I'm doing it, but it really helps. I guess it's like getting a deep tissue massage, only for your foot. :)
  • I had a physical therapist who worked with me 3 times a week for about 3 weeks. she' helped me stretch and massaged my leg and showed me how to get fitted for better shoes as well... I didn't want surgery and I wanted to at least walk without pain! lol!!!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    The best trick I was told is to freeze a bottle of water, then use it as a foot roll to relieve the pain and inflammation. I hope you find a solution soon!
    I don't think you can 'get rid' of it without an operation, but I might be wrong.
    This is exactly what my doc told me and it take about 15 minutes in the morning before i can get my walk in. Works good for me. Good luck.

    Additionally, my doctor told me to "write" the alphabet with my foot, every morning prior to getting out of bed. It helped and I haven't had a problem since.