Tea Fanatic!!

Beccaly2010 Posts: 10
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I am the world's biggest sweets and chocolate craver, which is why I have had a terrible time sticking to any kind of dieting before now. And the fact that my husband literally makes a shake almost every night after dinner or for dinner. The guy is a twig trying to gain weight (sooo doesn't help me) and I, of course, am trying to lose it!!! So , I have been trying to find other alternatives to help with that craving. Unfortunately, I am not one of those people that can just have a little taste of something sweet and leave the rest. Oh noooo, that send my taste buds into a frenzy! Basically, let's face it, I have an addiction! I'm sure I am not the only! Anyways, I have been a tea fan for a while but I just recently decided to try a vanilla tea. Zero calories with the exception of the little bit of milk I put in it. I felt like I had a very satisfying dessert. I couldn't believe it! I decided to go on a search for chocolate flavored and holy cow there is such a critter! I haven't tried it yet but I plan on ordering some soon!!! If this works, I feel like there is hope for me yet! Has anyone had a chocolate tea before? If so, please do tell!


  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    sorry but i have never heard of a chocolate tea, but i hope you like it!!

    i know what you mean about not being able to have a tiny bit...for me, its all or nothing, so i'm going through the nothing approach..so far, so good!!
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    My mom bought it for me! I am a huge choco-holic, but to be honest, chocolate tea? I'm nervous to try it. It smells cocoa-ish though. I was hoping, when reading your post, that you were going to review for me. But hey, maybe I'll dig it out tonight and try it. hehehe.
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    I'm in the same boat with the husband being in fantastic shape (with a six-pack) and eating whatever he wants whenever and not gaining a pound!

    I read an article on yahoo news that said drinking 2 cups of hot tea/day promotes a healthy lifestyle. I LOVE tea, and have found lots of flavors.

    Bigelow makes a fantastic French Vanilla Black Tea

    Celestial Seasonings is awesome. They have a Sleepytime Tea that relaxes you and tastes like spearmint. If you add honey instead of sugar I think it tastes better.

    Green tea is fantastic for you, and promotes weightloss because it gives you energy, plus has antioxidants.
  • that sounds delish - what brand makes vanilla/chocolate tea!?!?
  • lisanxd
    lisanxd Posts: 93
    I have a chocolate chai tea and it is okay. It isn't flavored with literal chocolate :-)
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    I'm pretty sure the one I have is Celestial Seasonings Chocolate tea . . . ..
  • SarahJoy_79
    SarahJoy_79 Posts: 107 Member
    I haven't tried chocolate tea, but for me making a chai latte with skim milk and stevia is my sure fire way to put a halt to my sweet tooth!
  • Brenna
    Brenna Posts: 126 Member
    I do Swiss Miss hot cocoa (the sugar free kind/25 calories), Chocolate Coffee, Vitamin World Chocolate Protein shake (yum!), or do a sugar-free chocolate fudge bar.

    They are all really low in calories and you get the chocolate fix you need. Needless to say, I like chocolate too... :drinker:
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    I haven't tried chocolate tea, but for me making a chai latte with skim milk and stevia is my sure fire way to put a halt to my sweet tooth!

    I LOVe chai latte! Its my little treat to myself at the end of a long day..not sure how many cals in a cup of chai latte though, i must have a look!
  • txcwgirl
    txcwgirl Posts: 127 Member
    I have tried several chocolate teas and other flavors, I like them but they are each different. You will have to find the one you like the taste of the best. I would also suggest trying a tea shop (I like Teavana & Stash) and finding herbal or flovored teas you like. Enjoy trying new teas out.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    I haven't tried chocolate tea, but for me making a chai latte with skim milk and stevia is my sure fire way to put a halt to my sweet tooth!

    I LOVe chai latte! Its my little treat to myself at the end of a long day..not sure how many cals in a cup of chai latte though, i must have a look!

    Ok, I'm really a coffee/latte/cappuccino virgin . . . what is a chai latte? It sounds really good.
  • klybarger
    klybarger Posts: 214
    I am a tea fanatic also. I'm big into the loose teas and have found rooibos teas (aka red tea, aka bush tea) to be great. They are caffeine free. Your question made me look back at my "tea source" ( teaandchi.com ) and they have these couple of chocolate rooibos teas that I will now have to try:

    1. Belgian Chocolate: Rooibos, cocoa bean pieces, mint and calendula. My mother-in-law's favourite! She says it tastes like peppermint patties.

    2. Tiramisu Rooibos: Chocolate and caramel pieces, whole coffee beans and milk granules! Even our coffee fiends love it. A caffeine free, guilt free dessert substitute!

    I'm sure other sites have the red tea too! Thanks for sharing your idea for substituting tea for sweets!
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    I haven't tried chocolate tea, but for me making a chai latte with skim milk and stevia is my sure fire way to put a halt to my sweet tooth!

    I LOVe chai latte! Its my little treat to myself at the end of a long day..not sure how many cals in a cup of chai latte though, i must have a look!

    a chai latte is a spiced drink, tastes nice and creamy. not sure how to describe it really!! Lol!
    It tastes LOVELY!!

    Ok, I'm really a coffee/latte/cappuccino virgin . . . what is a chai latte? It sounds really good.
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    All or nothing on the sweets for me too! :grumble: :love:
    My cravings subside when I don't eat sweets....
    doing good now after Holidaze overload! :bigsmile:

    Traditional Medicinal makes a "Chocolate Smooth Move " tea that tastes good.
    But Watch OUT! It's a laxative that really works!! :laugh: :drinker:

    Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:

    p.s. No fair your hubby is trying to GAIN weight! Sheeesh.....
    maybe you can have a contest to see who loses or gains the most! :bigsmile:
  • I haven't tried chocolate tea before, will have to look that up. I've been drinking the Triple Leaf Tea brand Dieter's Green Tea just recently and it seems to help stop nighttime cravings to eat.
  • NaiLo
    NaiLo Posts: 39
    green tea ALWAYS after meals to keep me away from eating something sweet. I also drink chamomile or "sleepytime" tea at night before bed to stop the munching :)<3 me some tea!
  • Thanks for all the input! I haven't seen any here on the shelves at the stores, so I'll have to get mine online. I'm thinking through Teavana. They had some good reviews on their chocolate teas! Good luck to you all!!!
  • LMS3386
    LMS3386 Posts: 16
    I bought the Celestial Seasonings fruit tea sampler. They are all really good and fill my cravings for something sweet at night :)
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    i love chocolate!! but i don't think that chocolate tea would cut it for me. i would rather have a cup of warm tea with a little nibble of real (yes, real) chocolate. i usually have 3 dark chocolate covered almonds with mint tea at night. i save just 70 calories till nighttime when i can enjoy my treat.
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