Exercising with weights



  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    i carry a medicine ball, team. practicing for the strenuous hikes I go on where I'm carrying all sorts of stuff. thanks for the concern, though.

    People carry up to 10 pounds in their hands on hikes?

    Sorry I'm not from the early nomadic times and we haven't invented back packs yet.

    /joke OP if you are training for hikes how about fill a back pack with some crap and go walk around out side.

    I do, but I often land up with a lot of crap in my hands. when i have to climb, i tend to store it all in a satchel of some sort or hand it off. i honestly like the feeling of living like a caveman; i'd carry bloodied game in my hands if I could.

    also, not to be rude, as I feel a lot of people have been on this thread, but I'm 30, was a collegiate athlete turned pro athlete, worked at an atheltic facility, and currently hold a doctorate. I'm not exactly some sort of bumbling putz that has no clue what they're doing. I asked a question that only 1 person has answered. I'd appreciate if the people who post on here stick with the question instead of telling me what to do like I'm some sort of idiot 12 year old. no idea what all this unsolicited nonsense is about, but I really dgaf.

    phew, glad I got that off my chest. hope I answered your question.

    I was just about to say... Some people should simply politely give their input or KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT! I've heard from many people that carrying weights when on the treadmill or elliptical is perfectly acceptable!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    There's a guy at my gym who gets on the stairmill carrying a 25 pound weight wearing a gas mask... different yes, but he's in great shape.

    Kristi, he's not "different". He's what we in professional psychology refer to as a "CRAYZEE *kitten* MFer". AND he's in great shape? RUN! RUN FAR AWAY!!!!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    you use your original weight sans weights
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    There's a guy at my gym who gets on the stairmill carrying a 25 pound weight wearing a gas mask... different yes, but he's in great shape.

    If you are going to workout with weights, alternate strength training (I'm doing NROL4W) with cardio rather than increasing your body weight during cardio.

    that's not different, that's effin AWESOME
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I don't think it matters what you enter on the machine, it is not an accurate measurement of calories burned anyway.

    Have fun!
  • Your muscles will not recognize the added resistance of the extra 10# of wt after only 10-15 min...a process called homeostasis. After 10-15 min in order to get any added benefit from additional wt, you must increase the wt or remove & allow your body to adjust back to no resistance (added wts). This is a tedious process & you would be much better off just increasing the resistance on the machine....works the same for carrying hand wts when jogging. You'd be better off inserting/atlernating speeds or running hills v. level ground...
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    There's a guy at my gym who gets on the stairmill carrying a 25 pound weight wearing a gas mask... different yes, but he's in great shape.

    If you are going to workout with weights, alternate strength training (I'm doing NROL4W) with cardio rather than increasing your body weight during cardio.

    I saw a guy at the gym with a gas mask once. It made me a little nervous, honestly.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    and why the ??? would you train for hiking using a medicine ball and an elliptical?

    And you work at this gym, and no one has told you "Hey don't do that it is dangerous and we wouldn't want our members doing that"???

    and who gives 2 farts about your doctorate. What does that have to do with anything?
  • cjsmommy7
    cjsmommy7 Posts: 135 Member
    There's a guy at my gym who gets on the stairmill carrying a 25 pound weight wearing a gas mask... different yes, but he's in great shape.

    If you are going to workout with weights, alternate strength training (I'm doing NROL4W) with cardio rather than increasing your body weight during cardio.
  • Growtinymusclesgrow
    Growtinymusclesgrow Posts: 152 Member
    OK, so say you are 100 lbs and get on the elliptical with 10 lbs worth of weights. Do you set your weight on the machine to 110 or leave it at 100 to figure out how many additional cals you are burning by taking the weights with you?

    Thanks in advance.

    I would buy a HRM with a chest strap! The calories burned on machines have a 25% error rate...give or take.
  • nikbolok
    nikbolok Posts: 107 Member
    also, not to be rude, as I feel a lot of people have been on this thread, but I'm 30, was a collegiate athlete turned pro athlete, worked at an atheltic facility, and currently hold a doctorate. I'm not exactly some sort of bumbling putz that has no clue what they're doing. I asked a question that only 1 person has answered. I'd appreciate if the people who post on here stick with the question instead of telling me what to do like I'm some sort of idiot 12 year old. no idea what all this unsolicited nonsense is about, but I really dgaf.

    phew, glad I got that off my chest. hope I answered your question.

    Now, if you have all those degrees, and are that advanced of a pro athlete, work at a facility, then why do you need to ask this question on the forum? Seems to me all those degrees would lead you to the answer? :explode:

    Yeah, you seem pretty angry. I'm sorry about that. Good luck with the training, though! I wish I could carry around all of that weight on my back:tongue:
  • thanks for the responses!