Got a lot to lose...need motivation help!!!

I currently weight around 302 and I am 5'7". I am have always been over weight and I have a hard time staying motivated. I guess when the pounds start coming off slower I get discouraged, and then I slowly begin to back off the diet, thinking I can pig out today and starve tomorrow. I know this is unhealthy and that is why I am here. I want to do this the right way and go all the way. If anyone has some suggestions please feel free to let me know. Thanks!!!


  • missyammerman
    Just take it by day! I just started this website earlier this month, and it has really helped me out with keeping up with my calories and staying on track. I am way more accountable with it. I hope that you find this sight as helpful as I do....LOTS of support. It does happen slowly, but better slowly than not at all.

    Good luck with everything! :)
  • Snick7227
    It can be very hard to stick to your diet, especially at first and when you hit your first plateau. I would recommend trying to get some people you work with to help with your motivation or join one of the groups on here to help give you the support you need. There has been several times that I wanted to just say screw it but I knew I had my trainer to back me up and encourage me, not to mention my health nut friends at work. Even today I made mention to have a small sweet and I had not one but two of them talk me out of it and I am glad they did (both at different times, they were just in the right place at the right time.)

    As for when you get slower in losing weight try changing up your diet. Instead of sticking to your same amount of calories and carbs try having a low calorie/ low carb day and then the next go to a high carb and normal calorie day. This I was told shocks the body so it is not used to your eating patterns and still allows you to lose weight. Good luck!
  • smboyle
    smboyle Posts: 14
    Whenever you feel like getting off the diet, reach out to some of the people on here. Were all trying to do the same thing so we are here to support you. Make sure you write everything down as you eat it and measure everything. Sometimes we don't know what were putting in our body and when we go to measure it and actually look at it, it kinda grosses us out. And yes, the weight may come off slowly sometimes, but as long as its coming off, it's an acheivement to be proud of. Add me to friends if youd like :) Good luck with everything!!
  • gennyvieve
    we've all been there, so remember you are NOT alone!!! it's so easy to get's so much easier to just grab some crappy food and go---it is hard work to pay attention to portion sizes and what you are actually putting in your body! i know this will sound so cheesy, but when i have slow weeks when i don't really lose anything i just constantly remind myself that i didn't put it all on in a day, so i can't lose it in a day! you'll get there, one day at a time!!!
  • dzneygurl
    :smile: you are going in the right direction my joining this sight. you just have to take things sow and day by day. be honest with your self and log everything in your diary it will help you be accountable for all the your eat but also give you credit for all the exercise you do as well. If you have a bad day don't that let you stop the program, just start where you left and go from there, everyne had a bad day.

    you can do it, good luck and keep us posted....

  • 4kidmom
    I am with you here! I have lost in the past and gained, same old story everyone here has, but I am on again right now and feeling really good. Iam at my highest wieght ever, includeing pregnancies. So I am really done with being fat!! I am over it!! Iam eating good, and when I have a slip up like yesterday, I am just going to forgive and move on. That will be my goal, to not let it discourage me.
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    The biggest motivation I can tell myself is just a day at time!! I wake up and I TRY to do good all day. thats my goal. Not to do good all week, just to do good (stay at/under my cals) TODAY. and then if i do it, I feel great~! And if i DONT, well then I move on and start again the next day. Its definately REALLY helped me!

    So try your best today, and make it a goal to just try better each day! Each day is a new day to succeed!!
  • Jlinares
    The best saying I've ever heard when it comes to weight loss motivation is: "you didn't gain the weight over night and it's not gonna go away overnight either."

    Maybe not worthy of MLK or JFK for that matter, but it helps remind me that it's about winning the battle EVERYDAY that's gonna help me win the war.