Hello, newbie here too

I joined last night, but didn't say hi until now. My goal is to get my metabolism raring and take off the extra 100lbs I'm carrying around. I had my last child and then quit smoking. Never lost the extra pregnancy weight and have put on almost an additional 30lbs since she was born 7 years ago. I get going ok on weight loss, but I struggle with a thyroid condition so I get discouraged and then drown my sorrows in snacks. Hoping to get some support in keeping motivated and be able to give some support as we all go along.


  • Welcome!! I'm also trying to lose weight from babies and I have hypothyroid. It's been a nightmare trying to get anything back off but I'm making progress. I love motivation so feel free to add me! Btw, LOVE your profile picture. Gorgeous! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks. I got up the nerve to have professional photos done to help boost my self esteem. I will add you. Look forward to chatting