
auranya Posts: 56 Member

I'm 31, married with 3 children and have just taken up running with a view to taking part in a 10K race in May. I'm classed as obese, my downfall is a takeaway pizza while watching a film once a week and having man sized portions at dinner. I love my food. I'm not unfit, I walk regularly and go geocaching with the kids at the weekend for up 10 mile walks but the weight doesn't fall off.

I would dearly love to lose my belly fat, trouble is I've had 3 operations in that area: gallbladder, appendix and caesarean which makes it that more difficult.

Looking forward to getting to know you all better.


  • CraftyPayne
    HI ya , if you need encouraging friends feel free to add me . I'm Denise by the way :O)
  • auranya
    auranya Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks Denise :)
  • katie81smith
    katie81smith Posts: 40 Member
    I"m 31 as well, concidered obese as well. feel free to add me as it looks like we have a bit in common. i've had a c section and am looking to loose about 75 pounds. I'm here for encourgment and guidance. feel free to add me.. my name is Katie