running/problem with toenails falling off!

ok, this is weird i know but before i go to the doctors over this i thought i would shout out to the boards...

i have been a long distant runner most all of my life but took 2 years off starting back again nov 2011 and am currently in training for race in oct 2012

since April of this year my two toes nails (next to my big toe, and only on the left side) keep coming falling off...
its not INSTANT or anything...but i can tell that when i start to increase my mileage/pace (as I am now) that these particular toes start hurting and the toenails will fall off! (this will be the second time since April!

the first time it happened i went and got fitted for shoes (which was in April ) and that seemed to help although they had just fallen off at that time so who really knows if it helped but my feet felt better LOL

I almost feel like maybe i am putting too my pressure with regard to my run on those two toes but that doesnt make sense or does it??? i am in a quandry and thought i would ask you all...

has anyone else had this happen?


  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    has anyone else had this dilemma?

    I haven't. That sounds terrible.

    Do you have any idea what is causing it? Do you wear socks? Are you trimming your toenails so they aren't getting friction when you run?
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Can't help you with your question, but I have to say that it doesn't sound good....
    Go see a doctor about this!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Mine haven't fallen off but they have got really bruised and the nail has separated from the bed in the past.
    Since I have new shoes I've had a bit of bruising in really long runs (ie. half marathon) but the mnils haven't gone weierd again. I think the difference is that these shoes are longer so there is more toe room.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    My understanding is that this is typically caused by shoes being a little snug in the toe box. I'd suggest going back to your running shop, an talking the problem over with them, to see if there's something specific about the shoes that might be causing the issue. I haven't had the problem myself - but I wear shoes with a roomy toebox!
  • lilah808
    lilah808 Posts: 60
    This happened to me a couple years ago with cycling. It's from your toenail pounding into your shoe repeatedly. My doctor told me to get a size larger shoe and to wear cushy socks. The nail will grow back. :-)
  • chcbrown
    chcbrown Posts: 4 Member
    I am assuming you are getting black nail before you lose them. Someone earlier posted checking show size...understand that shoe sizes are almost a meaningless number between brands, and sometimes, even between models of the same brand. I wear anything from an 11 to a 13 depending on brand and model. With your shoes on and laced, standing up with your weight evenly distributed, you should have an inch between the end of your big toe and the end of your toe box. Additionally, check your nail length. A slightly long nail catching on the end of the toebox during a 20 miler can easily give you balc nail.

    Good luck!
  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    Go up a half size in your shoe size, cause your feet swell during runs and put on two pairs of socks. Works for me, I have the same problem playing tennis. I've lost sooo many toenails =(
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    I've been training for a marathon the for the last six weeks. My middle toes are bruised on both feet. This happened several years ago when I attempted to train for a marathon. My nails even fell off like yours. I have several different brand of running shoes with at least an inch of room left. I just think it is typical for long distance runners. When I stopped running the last time, the bruising went away and the nails grew back. No easy solution... you either choose to have the nails or continue your love for running. I'm going to complete my first marathon next month no matter what.
  • Caitlinhappymeal
    Caitlinhappymeal Posts: 185 Member
    One of my nails is in the process of falling off as we speak! I don't think it's my running trainers tho as its oly happened once before? I think it's just other shoes I wear sometimes or occasionally x
  • hummus40
    hummus40 Posts: 72
    THANKS FOR ALL OF THE AWESOME RESPONSES!! and yes, i wear "grade a " socks (no COTTON) and its weird with regard to the fact that as soon as they fell off the first time they started growing back and didnt even make it past the end of my TOE when it started happening again...i am guessing what others have stated that its from the constant POUNDING on that foot/toe(s)....the last fitting i had actually took me up an entire SIZE shoe so now i am up to a 9 and 1/2 but i am due for a new set of digs...mileage has made that so!

    so, maybe i do need to get it checked out with Dr to make certain there isnt anything else i can do...or maybe i could tape them together when i run? hmmmm
  • hummus40
    hummus40 Posts: 72
    I've been training for a marathon the for the last six weeks. My middle toes are bruised on both feet. This happened several years ago when I attempted to train for a marathon. My nails even fell off like yours. I have several different brand of running shoes with at least an inch of room left. I just think it is typical for long distance runners. When I stopped running the last time, the bruising went away and the nails grew back. No easy solution... you either choose to have the nails or continue your love for running. I'm going to complete my first marathon next month no matter what.

    first marathon! sweet!!! when is it? mine is oct 20th in indy...
    and i thinking i would rather have "no nail" and keep on truckin!! lol
  • hummus40
    hummus40 Posts: 72
    I am assuming you are getting black nail before you lose them. Someone earlier posted checking show size...understand that shoe sizes are almost a meaningless number between brands, and sometimes, even between models of the same brand. I wear anything from an 11 to a 13 depending on brand and model. With your shoes on and laced, standing up with your weight evenly distributed, you should have an inch between the end of your big toe and the end of your toe box. Additionally, check your nail length. A slightly long nail catching on the end of the toebox during a 20 miler can easily give you balc nail.

    Good luck!
    thanks for the info...and yes they turn black prior to poppin off, lol
    when they grow back they dont even make it to any real "length" before a "new nail" grows and makes the older one pop back off...but its only started happening since increase in running so yeah....guessing i do need to see a doc, ugh
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I am assuming you are getting black nail before you lose them. Someone earlier posted checking show size...understand that shoe sizes are almost a meaningless number between brands, and sometimes, even between models of the same brand. I wear anything from an 11 to a 13 depending on brand and model. With your shoes on and laced, standing up with your weight evenly distributed, you should have an inch between the end of your big toe and the end of your toe box. Additionally, check your nail length. A slightly long nail catching on the end of the toebox during a 20 miler can easily give you balc nail.

    Good luck!


    If you get pedicures, just clip your own nails before you go to the salon. They will simply refuse to cut them as short as you need (probably because they are afraid of hurting you), but you need those nails really short.

    And yes, you want a full inch between the end of your longest toe (which in many people is the second toe, not the big toe) and the end of the shoe.
  • Brengild
    Brengild Posts: 127
    I had this problem. I was horrified the first time it happened and a friend told me it was common! I wear Saucony because they have a roomier toe box. Solved the problem for me.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    Mine do this with or without running... I think it is probably a friction problem, and maybe the shoe suggestions given will help. I also think some people are just sensitive. I bruise easily in general, and have a lot of skin sensitivity, so it doesn't really surprise me that I'm prone to it. : /
  • TallCurvyMuscles
    Sounds like a nutrition problem
  • peggyalex
    peggyalex Posts: 174 Member
    you need to go to the dr and get this checked out. my mom was having the same problem and hers turned out to be some sort of fungus and she has to be on antis for the next 12 weeks! I had been telling her forever it wasn't right and she finally listened! LOL!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I've heard of it...I think it's quite common. That said, people will probably tell you to get new shoes, but it sounds like you already did that. Not sure what else to tell you, but chances are your doctor can't really do anything for you. I would maybe go by the running store and see if they can take a look at your gait and see if that might be causing the toenail issues and how you can correct it. Also spend some time Googling the condition and look for things that worked for other people!
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I've been training for a marathon the for the last six weeks. My middle toes are bruised on both feet. This happened several years ago when I attempted to train for a marathon. My nails even fell off like yours. I have several different brand of running shoes with at least an inch of room left. I just think it is typical for long distance runners. When I stopped running the last time, the bruising went away and the nails grew back. No easy solution... you either choose to have the nails or continue your love for running. I'm going to complete my first marathon next month no matter what.

    This! Happens to my husband all the time with long distance runs and he has been properly fitted for shoes at a running store
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    I've had this happen too. I keep those toenails clipped really short, but not so short that they'll become ingrown. I've also developed blisters UNDER those nails! That was at a heavier weight than I am now. I am going to go up half a size and look for a larger toe box in my next pair of running shoes, though. I still get that "bruised toenail" feeling and the buggers are darkening. I only run for 5K so far, too. I feel your pain. Best of luck with your marathon!!!