Blowing Past Sugar Levels

Any suggestions on how to stay below the recommended sugar guideline of 24g? I try to eat healthy with the occasion treat, but somehow I am always double the sugar guideline. Anyone else having this problems? Any suggestions on low-sugar treats I could use?


  • hjmygatt
    I have been having this same issue! My breakfast of yogurt puts me right near the limit every morning, and my fruit (apple, grape, whatever) pushes it right over! It's not like I am eating sugary snacks, or anything super bad! Frusterating. Would love to see what people have to say...
  • sineadmm
    sineadmm Posts: 190
    Same problem here. Today I'm -54 sugar!!! Fruit really bumps it up. I'm looking forward to the replies to this thread.
  • ChaslovesBrian
    ChaslovesBrian Posts: 13 Member
    I switched everything in my household to sugar free over a year and a half ago, and have since lost 35 pounds. I limit my daily intake of Splenda or Stivia (or Truvia) to 3 packets a day. Less if I can! That's the only added sugar I allow.
    Other than that, I try to stick to natural sugars on workout days for muscle recovery. (, strawberries, etc.) But no more than one serving. (1/2 c)
    As far as treats go, I have some no sugar added fudgesicles that are really good. But it's a I don't have it every day! That was soooo hard for me to get over! But i am doing much better now. I try to have only 2 a week, if that. Look for things that say, made with splenda or no sugar added. Aspartame is not good for you at all!

    Kicking the sugar habit is by far the best thing I have ever done! Now, I am trying to kick Diet sodas!
    7 days coke free....still going strong!

    Hope this helped a bit.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I always go by did i eat a candy bar or did my fruits or yogurt make it go over... If your eating healthy and your going over on sugar cause it's Natural sugar and not on candy bars or ice cream then i wouldn't even worry....
  • FitnessOver50
    First, when talking about sugar intake you need to realize there are two different major classes of sugar. One is fine to consume while the other is not..

    Sugar intake from fruit is not a problem.

    Refined sugar intake is a huge problem. Just about every form of processed food has an abundance of refined sugar. These foods also have high levels of High Fructose Corn Syrup. The refined sugasr play havoc with your systems.

    Natural sugars are fine. Do you know of anyone that has gotten fat eating apples. I don,t.

    However, I do know of people getting fat on eating cakes, Etc.

    If you read "You on a Diet" , you will learn how to eat properly and learn the truth about different sugars.
  • kryoung
    kryoung Posts: 10
    I agree 100% about getting the yogurt without sugar. Yes it tastes awful, but its good for you, the other stuff will not make you healthy. Sweet'n it with splenda, berries or honey if you need too. Our foods are impregnated with sugar, and sugar is deadly - so READ YOUR LABELS. I was buying plain almond milk thinking I was making a good choice until my girlfriend said "Hey you should get the 'no added sugar', I was like "Your joking, they add sugar to PLAIN ALMOND MILK!!!" Comming off of a sugary diet and be like quitting an addiction, but scream, push, and pull through it and the dependance will subside. I allow myself sugar one day a week.

    Remember, sugar basically damages your arteries to your organs, muscles and your brain leading to health problems.
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    " Do you know of anyone that has gotten fat eating apples. I don,t. "

    ACTUALLY, I just read something about a man who ate a bag of apples a day.
    and he gained a lot of weight, and couldn't understand why.

    Of course no one is going to eat a bag of apples, but just saying...
  • Teleri
    Teleri Posts: 32
    As far as the yogurt goes, I find that if I buy the plain yogurt and add strawberries, blueberries and blackberries; then let it sit it is WONDERFUL.
  • gummibaehr
    When I go over on my sugar it's usually because I've been snacking on fruit. I just figured fruit sugar was okay so I try not to worry about it!
  • moryish
    moryish Posts: 4 Member
    A lot of foods marketed as"low fat" have added sugar to make them palatable. It might be worth it to take a peek any "low fat" food labels to see if they have more (surprise!) sugar.

    I hear raspberries and blackberries have some of the lowest sugar levels compared to other fruits.
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I'm over every day because I eat fruit. I only track sugar because I want to catch any food with lots of hidden sugars; then I can reduce or avoid it, but my sugar intake from fruit doesn't worry me. :happy:
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Awe sugar, the "white death" :laugh: Three years ago before I ever started exercising, I knew it was bad and I had to make a change! I don't use extra sugar in anything! I mainly drink water all day and there hasn't been a bag of sugar in this house in three years! I did cut out morning yogurt, but plan on buying plain and adding black berries. If I do want something sweet I'll eat one mini reeses or a fiber plus granola bar with dark chocolate. The reeses I have sometimes, the granola bar, almost everyday after my workouts :laugh: