Drop 1 Dress or Waist size- September Challenge



  • sunrize_sc
    sunrize_sc Posts: 157 Member
    I'd like to join also. I do the gym and/or home workouts. Looks like September will see a lot less of us!!
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    Hey Top- can I still join? Looks like you have more than ten peeps already lol everyone needs a good challenge!!!
  • surabhit
    surabhit Posts: 94 Member
    I'd like to try. Is there a group to join? I have a gym in my building and am doing the 30 Day Shred through september.
  • I would like to join if there is room. I am currently a size 10 but would like to be an 8.
    I have a gym membership and P90X, which I do at home, 3 days a week. I play indoor, co-ed soccer two days a week and sand volleyball once a week.
  • Count me in!
  • Mojorisen1
    Mojorisen1 Posts: 18 Member
    Count me in! I need the challenge to re-focus :-)
  • WendyEmery79
    WendyEmery79 Posts: 29 Member
    I would love to join this! I have a wedding I am going to October 6 and would love to look good!
    I will be seeing people I have not seen in a while. This can be my extra push.
  • MrsSexton2013
    MrsSexton2013 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm in! Have a gym membership.. go 5-6 days a week (mix of cardio/strength/weights) and also on week 1 of Couch to 5K on the "outside".. :)
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Yes. We start Sept 1. I will form a group tonight and contact everyone. I am so excited about our group.

    How many people have gym membership?

    How many people exercise from home?


    I'd like to try! I exercise at home.
  • CouleeRunner
    CouleeRunner Posts: 256 Member
    I'd love to as I have just one size left to go. I'm currently 7/8 and want to be 5/6 (darned Canadian sizing).
    I run, work out at home and have a membership to the gym but that all depends on my running schedule with my group.
  • WendyEmery79
    WendyEmery79 Posts: 29 Member
    I work out at home and at my park.
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Count me in! I workout from home.

    This is exactly what I am looking for :drinker:
  • I will give it a go.
  • I'm in! Will exercise from home as I do not have a membership anywhere.
  • digitaljdr
    digitaljdr Posts: 50 Member
    I'm in

    Current 46 - wanting 44.

    How many people have gym membership?
    I have a gym membership now, but it expires on the 20th in September I'm shopping around for a better place.

    How many people exercise from home?
    When I don't go to the gym I make a effort to get out and ride my bicycle.
  • Mojorisen1
    Mojorisen1 Posts: 18 Member
    Not sure what my waist size or pant/dress size is at this point, but I weigh 168 and I'll make my goal to lose 8 lbs.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    Yes please count me in! I have 5-6 sizes to lose but this is a good start. I have done some backsliding but I am back on track and have been for about 2 weeks. I would love to be in this group. Hopefully it will give me the kickstart I need. We need challenges and things to keep us on track...
  • pg08r
    pg08r Posts: 1 Member
    If there is room for another one I would like to join this challenge. might be the extra motivation i need!
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    If there's still room I would love to join this challenge.
    I've never done a challenge before...this would be a great motivator!
    I do not have a gym membership..would just be doing home workouts along with running
  • Jess7170
    Jess7170 Posts: 62 Member
    Sounds great. This group continues to grow so I will keep it open until we reach 50 people.

    Make sure to take a before pic to measure your progress.

    Also measure your current dress or waist size today.


    If there are any spaces left in the group, I'd love to join. I have a gym membership and currently working with weights 4 to 6 days a week. Jogging/walking 3 days a week and swimming/biking when I can fit it in the schedule... challenges hold me accountable to myself and I love the support from like minded members!