Gluten free, rice free, corn free, egg free, dairy free...

mq68 Posts: 118 Member
So i went to the Dr. and they finally did allergy blood work. I am allergic to more that I thought. So sick of working out and not getting any results. Completely changed my diet and I FEEL so much better!!! I used to always eat well, but it wasn't good for me. I was gluten free for 9 months and only a slight change. What a difference it was to cut out eggs, corn, oats, and rice, just four months ago. I lost 20lbs in two months, not saying that is good, but my stomach doesn't hurt like it always did. I have so much more to go. Does anyone have these types of issues? Does anyone have recipes that adhere to this type of food plan?


  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    That quit a few things you cut out. I understand because my son has food allergies. Your best bet is just eating clean w/o grains and corn etc. There is a great website called deliciously organic where she posts gluten free and clean recipes etc. Good luck!
  • krystachelle31
    krystachelle31 Posts: 3 Member
    look up paleo recipes, some of the stuff seems way out there but is soooo yummy.
  • Glasgow_Vegan
    Glasgow_Vegan Posts: 209 Member
    My dad was diagnosed with celiac disease recently. He's a vegetarian so now he avoids gluten and wheat too. I checked your profile and you live in America, but do you have something like prescription food products for celiac disease there? In the UK people diagnosed with it get a big box of prescription pasta, biscuits, corn thins etc. for free once a month.
  • drzira
    drzira Posts: 29 Member
    Like krystachelle2 said, paleo/primal recipes are definitely a place to look. Those diets still allow eggs but shouldn't include grains.

    I cut out all of the grains as part of my very low carb diet. It's been a few months and I feel great without them.
  • Glasgow_Vegan
    Glasgow_Vegan Posts: 209 Member
    Also, have a look at vegan cook books and recipe websites since we don't use eggs or dairy in anything.

    A good free site is the Post Punk Kitchen:
  • Oranda
    Oranda Posts: 121
    I just have question. Was it just a single blood test you had done or was there mulitple test over a long period of time. I have issues with my stomach on a daily basis in the past year. I don't eat much dairy any more because I was noticing it was a big culprit but it's started happening again even without the dairy. Just curious how they found out for you. Thanks
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Well shoot, it should be easy to lose weight anyway.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    Thankfully, I don't have issues with eggs and dairy, but I have intolerances to wheat, corn, soy, shellfish and peanuts. And, since I'm diabetic, I've also eliminated other grains like rice and oatmea and all but very small portions of legumes other than peanutsl. Of course, that eliminates an awful lot of processed food! I feel much much better eating clean!!
    You can check out my pinterest board for some recipe ideas, although there are quite a few with eggs, cheese and Greek yogurt :-(
  • mq68
    mq68 Posts: 118 Member
    That quit a few things you cut out. I understand because my son has food allergies. Your best bet is just eating clean w/o grains and corn etc. There is a great website called deliciously organic where she posts gluten free and clean recipes etc. Good luck!

    Thank you, I will ck out that web site!
  • mq68
    mq68 Posts: 118 Member
    My dad was diagnosed with celiac disease recently. He's a vegetarian so now he avoids gluten and wheat too. I checked your profile and you live in America, but do you have something like prescription food products for celiac disease there? In the UK people diagnosed with it get a big box of prescription pasta, biscuits, corn thins etc. for free once a month.

    Jealous, foods as a prescription. In the US that would never fly. I pay a lot for gf products and just decided recently that I will suck it up and make my own. It's a work in progress... first recipe was a store bought gf brownie mix ; eggs were replaced with tofu. apple sauce instead of oil and an olive oil buttery spread for the butter. I enjoyed a few, brought the rest to work.
  • mq68
    mq68 Posts: 118 Member
    I just have question. Was it just a single blood test you had done or was there mulitple test over a long period of time. I have issues with my stomach on a daily basis in the past year. I don't eat much dairy any more because I was noticing it was a big culprit but it's started happening again even without the dairy. Just curious how they found out for you. Thanks

    One of my family members was diagnosed with celiac. I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance years ago. But because I was still getting sick all the time, I just refused to eat much. Hence the weight gain issues. I already figured I had gluten intolerance or celiac because I had the same symptoms that my family member did. So i went to the Dr. recently and asked for a basic blood test for allergies. They took three vials and I received a list of foods I am allergic to.

    I did the blood tests years ago where they stick a bunch of needles in your back but the response was so minimal and the Dr. did not "see" anything much. Nowadays, some Dr.'s are aware of some of these issues... yet, many are not. I have gone through quite a few Dr.'s... I found one that would listen! It took my new Dr and I reading over the test results, and me asking a ton of questions to get to the bottom of my issues.

    Because I limited my intake of wheat, barley, rye grains before the blood work, my tests showed a minimal amount of allergies to gluten. But I had been eating eggs, rice, corn, oats on a regular basis due to ruling out gluten for the previous 8 months. Most gf product have these latter items in them. And I am allergic to all of them. LOL.

    Good Luck to you. I hope you find your answers. I believe answers are the best medicine!
  • mq68
    mq68 Posts: 118 Member
    Well shoot, it should be easy to lose weight anyway.

    I miss Black and Tans... and gf beer does not really taste like a Guinness nor a Bass.. lol.
  • mq68
    mq68 Posts: 118 Member
    Thank you all so much for the information. it is much appreciated and I will check out the web sites y'all have listed.