iPhone or SGIII

:laugh: I know this has nothing to do with fitness, or dieting, or flirting... but I am in the mood to get a new phone. I've had the Samsung Captivate and it's been a GREAT phone, I'm definitely an android guy. But my battery is nearly shot from abuse, and instead of just getting another battery, I'm going to get a new phone. I was anticipating the new Samsung Galaxy S III for most of this year, and now that it's out, I don't know. I am on AT & T. I have had experience with iPhones too and I like them too. The apps I use most are available on both, so that's pretty much a non-factor.

What are your thoughts?


  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I've got a Motorola Droid X2 and it's pretty good but I do think I'd be enjoying an iPhone more.
  • Whart0603
    Whart0603 Posts: 92 Member
    I got the GSIII. I love it.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I love my Samsung Galaxy SIII!!

    I've never had an iPhone though.

    If it's any help, my brother the Applephile and Apple employee is seriously considering this phone instead of the next iPhone. *shh, don't tell anyone so he doesn't get fired!*
  • bigboimav
    bigboimav Posts: 22 Member
    galaxy 3 i love it way more than my old i phone. much more capabilities. :)