Best way to get rid of belly fat?

Ignoring all the stupid adverts on FB and even the one that is right above my mouser pointed as I type this, what is the best way to lose belly fat?

I know that if you diet and exercise, eventually it should go away, and generally you can't choose where your fat goes from anyway, but has anyone (who normally struggles with their belly fat) got any secrets to share??

Much appreciated!


  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    Ignoring all the stupid adverts on FB and even the one that is right above my mouser pointed as I type this, what is the best way to lose belly fat?

    Maintain a calorie deficit and get plenty of exercise.
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    I've found it's been the last thing to go for me. Belly and thighs.

    It can be disconcerting, but it really is true... you can't spot reduce and the only way to keep trimming up the belly is to keep going. The good news is, the belly fat you lose first is pretty much always visceral fat -- the gross stuff that collects around your internal organs -- and even though you may still feel a bit flabby, you're far healthier. I've always read that abdominal 'definition' comes from diet, primarily... so make sure you're eating right and in a sustainable manner.

    Aesthetics are a long, long road to journey down.
  • jenneal89
    jenneal89 Posts: 243
    It's all about what you eat. Obviously, you have to exercise too but if you aren't eating healthy food, you won't get rid if the belly fat.
  • AGreen54
    AGreen54 Posts: 100 Member
    Bump i want to know too
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Ignoring all the stupid adverts on FB and even the one that is right above my mouser pointed as I type this, what is the best way to lose belly fat?

    I know that if you diet and exercise, eventually it should go away, and generally you can't choose where your fat goes from anyway, but has anyone (who normally struggles with their belly fat) got any secrets to share??

    Much appreciated!
    You've pretty much answered your own question. :smile: Calorie deficit through diet (and exercise if you want) and patience. I carry more weight in my abdomen than elsewhere, and it's been a struggle to lose, but you've just got to keep going until it comes off where you want it to. No special foods, no targeted exercises. All over strength training can help with burning the fat.
  • Arrabindi
    Arrabindi Posts: 169 Member
    You can't really spot reduce, but by working your abs, you stomach will be more toned. I've read somewhere a while ago, that high intensity training (interval running and such) will sort of relocate your fat, so it's not around your belly and internal organs, where it causes the greatest health risk. I don't know if it's true, but it seems to be working for me. I started interval training about a month ago, and even though I've only lost about a pound or so, my waist and belly appear way smaller.
  • KingChoco
    KingChoco Posts: 10 Member
    Ive been told its the foods you eat that gets rid of your belly fat. Lean meats, protein and good carbs
  • dajero1
    dajero1 Posts: 75 Member
    Bump Luck to you. Working on that same thing myself. No answers for you. Just eavesdropping on the conversation.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Basically, while you can't spot reduce, a lot of stubborn 'belly fat' is actually bloating. Less salt, more water. No white carbs.
  • Fat is stored energy.

    If you eat less than what your body requires each day, then your pancreas will sense it and release hormones to get your liver to start pulling energy from your fat cells. It has to come from somewhere so if it's not in your food then your body has to come up with it. To increase your bodies requirements, do exercise. More will be pulled out of your fat.

    One thing about belly fat, what you can see and grab hold of is about half of what is there. There's an internal "fat blanket" called an omentum which is designed to hold fat for your stomach to draw on. Google pictures of it. Also there's visceral fat which is packed around your abdominal organs. Add that to your subcutaneous skin fat and we humans can have a bit of lard around our mid section.

    To burn this off you need muscles. Muscles burn fat. They also do it when you're sitting down and sleeping, if they've been used recently. Keep your water intake up too so they have the fluids they need to burn energy. If you can do simple things like walking fast, taking stairs and grabbing a quick ten or twenty push ups and sit ups when you can, you'll build up muscles which will get used to being pushed and they will demand more from your fat stores.

    Sit ups, especially the ones where you twist when you rise up, will help shape your stomach and motivate you. Those muscles are meant to support your trunk, pull your organs in close for safety. Right now they are slack and like a bag of fluid, no real shape to speak of. Just one session a day of 30 sit ups will get them working, if you twist and touch opposite elbow to knee then the side muscles will come into play as well to change your shape. Set a phone alarm to remind you if you need to. One week of those and you'll see a difference in the mirror in the morning. You won't have suddenly lost all the fat, but it'll be pulled into a more male shape.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I use a Swiss ball / gym ball for my abs workout which I find really good. I have a dodgy back and started my routine to help with core strength. The change in posture and improvement in back health has been amazing. And the vanity aspect of a flat stomach is great too :) No it won't magically burn belly fat but it will give you a better shape. Agree with the advice previously about twist sit ups (elbow to opposite knee) comments too - makes a huge difference to definition. I'm in Surrey too by the way.
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    This a great topic. I do standing ab work, it's hard for me to do the floor exercises. I know I mention Walk Away the Pounds a lot but I truly believe in these work outs with the toning bands. Look up standing ab work and see. I just found this from Womans Health. I haven't had a chance to look at it though, but check it out and see if this is something you will be interested in.
  • cara4fit
    cara4fit Posts: 111 Member
    Although it's great to work one's abs(Pilates works way better than traditional "ab" exercises IMO) for core strength, one really won't see the results of one's work unless one loses the fat. Diet, followed by good cardio and weight training to recompose the body are what do it. And no, one can't spot reduce. The fattiest areas of the body are the last to see results. One's tummy might not go down until one is really thin all over. Or the pear-shaped woman won't notice her hips, butt and thighs going down until she's almost lost everything up top, etc.
    That said, while one is keeping tabs on one's food and all, proper exercise will make things look better by pulling things in, especially Pilates. Some people don't drop a bit of weight, but their waists are smaller due to working this way. However, as far as definition goes, at the end of the day it really does come down to diet. Some people have to go very strict eliminating most carbs AND fat, others are able to make less drastic dietary tweaks and it will work for them. YMMV, and best of luck!
  • KStyleFitness
    KStyleFitness Posts: 46 Member
    My tummy is the last to go. I have to be close to goal before it looks flat, and still a bit flabby if I have not done enough toning exercise. So focus on just losing the weight. When there is nowhere else for it to come off at, it will come off your abs.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Best of luck to you! I think females especially have the hardest time with belly fat! It is the last to go for me. Its falling off my chest and butt but just stubbornly hangs on around my belly. Just keep on doing it right and it will eventually come off there too.
  • Txnurse97
    Txnurse97 Posts: 275 Member
    Bump for later!
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Even when I was at my skinniest (too skinny) 104, I still had a gut. My belly has really deformed after having two c-sections and the ten pound kid helped too. Focusing more on ab exercises, though they are the hardest for me. Either that, or save up for a tummy tuck.
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    Eat most of your carbs in the morning and taper off as the day goes on eating virtually no carbs at supper and after. Eat a lower carb diet to help with the fat loss. Your diet should be as clean as possible. Eating mostly meat, fruits and veggies. Not much fruit though and enjoying it before lunch (best time pre and post workouts. You need to be doing some type of weight/resistance training atleast 3 x a week. I am within 10-12 lbs of my weight loss goal and I am still trying to lose a small pouch of belly fat. It's hard work. I just completed Insanity and now am doing Tapout XT.
  • when I was going to the gym daily the trainers number 1 way to get rid of belly fat was matter wht kind u do but it works your core so I rode the recumbant bike 20 miles every time I went and lost 2 pant sizes ....wish I was still goin
  • Jovremi
    Jovremi Posts: 1 Member
    Gaining lean muscle is the only real way to reduce body/ belly fat. However, gaining muscle in your abs is the only muscle you can gain that will NOT burn the fat. So, working your abs only will absolutely not help you.

    Day 1-Pick a set of muscles (legs or arms or core and back- do core and back together) Try to put together a cardio/ strength training session and do 20 minutes of straight cardio
    Day 2-Do full cardio (40-60 minutes or break it up in two sets of 25-30 minute sessions in the day)- NO WEIGHTS
    Day 3- Pick a different set of muscles and repeat Day 1's suggestion
    Day 4-Do full cardio- same suggestion as Day 2
    Day 5- Pick last set of muscles and repeat Day 1 & 3 Suggestion
    Day 6- Cardio OR Rest
    Day 7- REST- You must have one full day of rest in to allow real healing

    Remember to avoid over working any muscle group by not allowing adequate time (1 full week) for healing. If you dont allow for healing, not only will you be in pain but you will start to build painful scar tissue within the muscle causing undefined bulky muscles instead of lean sculpted muscles that everyone dreams of.

    Of course, in addition to the excercise you must have a proper diet. Remember to eat healthy fresh and wholegrain choices and when you eat fats choose the healthy variety. Fats are essential in your body so cutting them out completely is not an option.

    Be strong and best of luck to you in your goals.