Quitting smoking and losing weight? Come say hello

Hi all

I joined the site five minutes ago when I came to the stark realisation that in order to avoid the inevtiable weight gain that comes with quitting, I need to change my entire lifestyle.

I know that my biggest challenge will be mainitaing a reasonable diet; since moving out at the age of 18, I have basically lived on take away food and chocolate. I have used smoking as a means to not only curb my giant appetite but also as an emotional crutch during stressful periods of my life.

By way of an intro, I'm a 26 year old lady from Sydney, Aus and I'm looking to lose around 20kgs (44 pounds). I'd love to hear from anyone else who is undertaking the same (foolish?) task that I am - I think this community can be just the support that we need to overcome both hurdles.


  • laurie571
    laurie571 Posts: 152 Member
    quit smoking last month, and started this a week later. ;)
  • h1p1n3
    h1p1n3 Posts: 4 Member
    I am about right there with you! I was/am an off and on smoker. I tried a few other diets, Nutrisystem twice (kept it to a "T" and no lbs lost). I tried "eating right" with little luck. Now I am dedicated and committed to a low carb, high fat diet(and even excited about it). On top of that I am attempting the task of quitting smoking. Just a matter of a few weeks ago I was smoking about a pack every two days. I was able to quit for a few weeks but alas, the other day a few of my friends and I got together, alcohol was consumed, and when the smokes were in the air I had to indulge. Of course, the next morning my lungs were burning and I was coughing all day. I am not sure how this double change will affect my body. Last time I tried quitting, I needed to eat, chew, or something. Driving is the worse. I don't know yet what I will be able to to replace the cravings and habit with, but its been 3 days and so far so good. I think after a few weeks, and hopefully seeing and feeling some sort of progress that the next time I am with the guys drinking (carb free liquor and diet soda, of course) and the tobacco comes out, my pride of accomplishment will outweigh the cravings.
  • quit smoking last month, and started this a week later. ;)

    Awesome! How have you found the quitting so far? I had my last smoke 8 days ago and so far the only thing that I've been struggling with is how WEIRD everything is tasting. Good news for me is that chocolate is now way too sweet so that can only help with the weight loss.

    @h1p1n3 - I'm with you on the driving thing. My daily habit was always, drive to work, have three on the way, park car, have one walking to work, then about three during the day, then repeat the driving process on the way home. Not smoking in the car has been the hardest thing for me, but I have gone 8 days without it so far.

    Today is my first day trying to lose weight/eat healthier, so far, I'm thinking this is going to be harder than quitting : /
  • h1p1n3
    h1p1n3 Posts: 4 Member
    I used to try chewing on gummies, gum, or just not pull over for nothing while craving and driving. When for me its usually a 3+ hour drive it gets real hard. Every exit sign or gas station is a temptation. I'll find out, but I am just hoping that mio flavored water and homemade beef jerky will be my vice.
  • kdfulgham
    kdfulgham Posts: 46 Member
    I have been using MFP since Jan 2012, and have lost 42lbs. Only about 5 pounds away from my goal. Yesterday I went for a physical and expected a really good report. NOT - I was called back to the doctor 20 min after I left, they asked me to come back for a second chest X-Ray. There was "shadowing" on my both chest x-rays, dr said it is probably "nothing" but is sending it out to a specialist for a second look. Also told I have begining stages of emphysema, was given Spiriva, and inhaler, and am being referred to a Pulmonoligist for further test. Docotor also concerned about slow heartbeat, have to pick up Holter monitor on Thursday. Of course, doc said I really needed to quit smoking! I am 49, and didn't start smoking until my mid 30's. Anyway, my quit date is Sept. 4th, next Tuesday. I am going to use the "patch". I am scared, and frustrated....
  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    cant remember exact date.. 3 years or so ago... i said @$@#$ it.. and quit smoking cold turkey havnt touched one since and did not put on weight due to that. in fact im down about 80 lbs or so.. just get some hobbies , work out more go swimming... do things that keep you busy and keep u away from both food and smokers.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i quit smoking on Christmas eve. i had a few cheats here and there where i bummed a cigarette or two from people. it was honestly more out of wanting to be sociable then actually wanting a smoke. i'm pretty sure i'm passed the whole smoking thing now. i just have to remember that it's all in my head.
  • TamAD48
    TamAD48 Posts: 387
    I'm with you on this one. I'm about to quit smoking, I have been putting it off because of the dreaded weight gain, but it's time to give them up. Feel free to add me and we can support each other.
  • hunter624
    hunter624 Posts: 252
    I quit smoking August 2010 after 53 years,retired in November 2011, ballooned from 168lbs to 204.5 lbs by February 2012, mainly due to comfort eating.

    Joined MFP in February 2012, now 194.5 lbs.

  • kylejh
    kylejh Posts: 221 Member
    I'm quitting next Tuesday. Decided at the beginning of the year that I needed to lose weight and finally quit smoking for good, but that I couldn't do the two together. I decided the weight loss and lifestyle changes needed to be done first, so that I won't gain weight when I quit smoking. So now here I am, on day 3 of taking Champix. I've tried to quit a few times, but I feel like this is the time I am finally going to be successful and get rid of cigarettes for good.
  • Well I didnt JUST quit but I quit over a year ago, gained 40 lbs in the process. So here I am!
  • 80Ben
    80Ben Posts: 119 Member
    Congrats on quitting! After 8 days, you're over the hill now. I didn't gain weight when I quit the last time, but I find that the reason why I did on my previous attempts is because I was eating anything, thinking it's still better than smoking.

    I found a passion for running, so needing better cardio was the best motivator.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I quit last July, and gained about 10 pounds before I found MFP in December. Honestly, this is the first time in my adult life that I’ve tried to lose weight without smoking (I’m 42). What’s helped me the most has been working out—not just for losing weight, but as a deterrent to smoking. There have been a few times where I’ve been tempted to smoke, but at this point it would mean throwing away a ton of progress. Not worth it.

    Hang in there! The first few days are utter hell, but it does get easier.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    First of all, congrats to everyone who has quit!

    I had my last cigarette on March 13, 2010, right when I joined here. Cold Turkey, no "cutting down".

    I did NOT gain weight from quitting. I attribute that to being on MFP. I threw myself into counting every calorie, meal planning, cooking, researching everything to do with diet and exercise, and working out. My mind was so busy with my new HEALTHY obsession that I had less time to think about wanting a cigarette....

    If you have issues with "needing something in your mouth", then try sugar free lollipops, drinking water all day through a straw, and eating baby carrots and celery.

    You got this!:happy:
  • 4Elyse2012
    4Elyse2012 Posts: 39 Member
    I need to quit smoking and lose weight, so its nice to see some other people out there who have done/are doing it! I need to quit for me most of all, but also I have an almost 3 year old daughter who sees me doing it way too often and I don't want to be a bad example for her. I think she has learned what a camel is just from our cig packs.......really?! That is so utterly depressing to even admit.

    I work the graveyard shift at an emergency vet and often rely on cigarettes to get me through the night. I think that will be the hardest times for me, because when I'm smoking at 3am with no one around, I convince myself that it doesn't matter as much. I've been smoking for 12 years, only quitting while pregnant and a few months after.

    My goal is to quit by my daughter's 3rd birthday (the beginning of November). Here's hoping it stick this time!
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    You can do it! It is hard, I know. I quit cold turkey after smoking 1.5 packs a day for years. I kept sugar free toffees in my pocket and just kept popping them in my mouth. I wanted to stab everyone I talked to in the eye for about a week but it eventually passed :wink:

    Congrats to you on your determination to get healthy!
  • abiwotnot
    abiwotnot Posts: 8 Member
    Also a quitter here, although I have to say there have been a few blips since I gave up in May :-/ Am using patches but am still on step 1 and daren't reduce them just yet as I just can't kick the habit at the "normal times" I'd have one, even though the patches stave off the craving!! The weight is definitely creeping up so here I am, time to give myself a stern talking to and "must try harder" lol x
  • vikingchix
    vikingchix Posts: 105 Member
    I quit smoking a couple of years ago and put on about 20 pounds. I became so frustrated and unhappy in my own skin that I started smoking again.....I did not change my diet or my alcohol intake....gained some more weight....became more unhappy.

    I decided (with the help of my husband) to quit smoking using the electronic cigs. to date, I have not smoked a "stinky" in 69 days, which is 1400 cigs, at a savings of $401.00!!!

    I am now serious about getting my body healthy again! Joined here just a few days ago and really feel like I can do this!

    If anyone has quesitons on the ecigs.....let me know....I am glad to pass on information!
  • I Quit smoking about 5 months ago and gained about 10 pounds. So i try Body by Vi shakes and didn't lose any weight or inches any ideas am i trying to do to many thing at once. i wish i could find out why it didn't work
  • mandybledsoe
    mandybledsoe Posts: 43 Member
    I quit smoking 105 days ago, (I have an app called QuitNow on my phone that keeps track for me, did wonders for me) anyway I started gaining weight right away and I REALLY don't need anymore so I started MFP and now I am losing weight and still have not smoked another cig. I quit cold turkey after 10 years of at least a pack a day of Marlboro Red 100's. If I can do it so can you :)