question for ladies

hi to you all
(English is not my first language, so sorry for mistakes u will read)

i know most of us have pms, in any kind of form, but i am so sick of it.
so, every time I am in a pms week, i destroy everything I have accomplished in 3 weeks before it, when it comes to fitness, nutrition, ...

i focused on those changes, like, when is the moment when it all goes down, and noticed, it always starts week before my period,

although i always said that pms is a myth, i c now that im surely affected by it.

when i get into that week, i got super depressed, have no self motivation, i want to quit my job, dont want to hang out with anyone, eat pretty bad, get soooo lazy, and generally I think that fitness, life, friends, and every thing else is useless...

i need your help. how to get through it?

I definitively need some antidepressants that i dont need prescription for, like, i can buy them at Target..

thank you!


  • JulieRoselovesFreeze
    I have a lot of issues around that time too! I used to take antidepressants when it was worse for me. When I got off, my doctor told me I could switch to fish oil supplements, which are very good at boosting mood and are available at pretty much all drug stores, walmart, etc.

    Also, exercise does help me feel better- try it! I can't do some things, like if I have bad cramps, zumba class will only make it worse (because of all the hip shaking and so forth)- but doing things like running or lifting weights, push-ups, whatever- will release natural endorphins, which is the chemical your body produces and makes you feel happier.

    It's also worth talking to your doctor (if you have one) or going to a women's clinic. I see you don't want a prescription for anti depressants but there may be a birth control out there that lessens your symptoms (I am not sure- just an idea).

    And when all else fails- small doses of a great quality chocolate is never a bad idea around this time :wink:

    I hope that helps, I am no expert...but I DO feel your pain!
  • lindsiswatchingyou
    lindsiswatchingyou Posts: 114 Member
    I have to agree with the post about birth control and exercise. I'm a very strong believer in going for a quick run when I feel bad- allergies, head cold, PMS, etc. Even if I only do something active for 10 minutes I always feel better. I may still have a headache or cramps, but I feel better about my self. As for the birth control, I'm trying go without the pill right now for various reasons but it worked well for me in reducing PMS symptons when I was on it.

    If you want to avoid all medicine, maybe you could look into yoga or a meditative type exercise/program that may help you focus your energy in a different way. Any kind of exercise is supposed to help reduce depression.
  • MimiCro
    MimiCro Posts: 96 Member
    i do have fish oil, in pearls, what i noticed that they helped me with is my hunger during the day
    the think is, i have no motivation to work out either. i know it helps, but i cannot get there.

    i need a slap in the face lol
  • MimiCro
    MimiCro Posts: 96 Member
    i am taking birth control pills, but, u drink them for 3 weeks, and then u skip one week, so u can have your period. in that week i get depressed. maybe I should go without them.

    i never liked yoga, u think I should give it a chance?
    i have yoga classes in my gym , just afraid to tr it
  • OK_Girl
    OK_Girl Posts: 123 Member
    I am the SAME way, I knock down everything I worked for with emotional eating, cravings, and too tired to excersise. You are on birth control pills. Have you considered NOT having your period? I just started taking them, my periods or horrible, so my gyno told me to throw out the 'blank' pills, and go straight to the next pack w/o waiting a week, thus, never having me period. The drop in hormones is what signals your period. Taking the pills w/o a break prevents your period from coming. And the lining doesn't keep building up month after month. There may be some spotting for a few cycles tho. Just My 2 cents.
  • MimiCro
    MimiCro Posts: 96 Member
    I am the SAME way, I knock down everything I worked for with emotional eating, cravings, and too tired to excersise. You are on birth control pills. Have you considered NOT having your period? I just started taking them, my periods or horrible, so my gyno told me to throw out the 'blank' pills, and go straight to the next pack w/o waiting a week, thus, never having me period. The drop in hormones is what signals your period. Taking the pills w/o a break prevents your period from coming. And the lining doesn't keep building up month after month. There may be some spotting for a few cycles tho. Just My 2 cents.

    my gosh, that doesn't sound good tho...
    i am going to try a month without the pills, c what happens.
    I was on Diane, what were u on?
  • RiversideBabe
    RiversideBabe Posts: 75 Member
    My mood can get SO out of whack and it affects how I enjoy life and my relationships but...
    What has helped me is some supplements:
    B complex - it has vitamin b and a bunch of other mood boosting components, basically an antidepressant in vitamin form,
    5HTP - it helps release serotonin in the brain which is the feel good chemical your brain naturally releases

    I have noticed a difference taking these supplements.

    also maybe switching to a different brand of B.C. might help too
  • melbatoast917
    melbatoast917 Posts: 370 Member
    1. I don't use birth control so my period/PMS may not be anything like yours.
    2. I don't have snacks in the house that could make me lose it - salty, crunchy, chocolate, etc.
    3. Even when I am bloated, tired, cranky, etc. I exercise and feel much better.
    4. I have an amazing husband that is extremely awesome and tends to not bug me about ANYTHING during this time so I don't feel the need to stress-eat.

    Good luck! :-)
  • lifescircle
    What you eat plays a big part in that and, as others have said, exercise.

    Birth control pills aren't good for you either.

    If you can, stay away from processed foods.

    Yoga is good as it helps to massage your organs.

    I've had some of the worst cramps in the world, since sixth grade. When I got older I paid more attention to my body and made changes... (sure, I've screwed up and fell downhill along the way) but I learned a lot.

    If you take care of your body, feed it well and move it, it will lessen or even eliminate the PMS.

    PMS/cramps can be a good thing if you look at it a barometer of how well you treat yourself/your body. A positive way to look at it.

    Although, I know, when you're in the midst of it, all of this is just CRAP.

    LOL... hope it gets better.
  • lunnay
    lunnay Posts: 66 Member
    I can vouch for yoga. :) Read about it, try some poses, and when you feel like eating (and know you're going to go over, or are craving something unhealthy) take five or ten minutes and rock some poses. Drink some water, too. Be patient with yourself, and wait until that next meal, or just eat a carrot or apple to fill you up between meals. When you've got a craving it's really just a waiting game until you eat a healthy meal and feel satisfied and full. Try not to give in to your craving if it's unhealthy, and your body will start telling you you need sugars/fats more rarely.

    What you eat in the weeks prior to your period week may influence your cravings too. It might be good to evaluate whether you're getting enough fruits and vegetables.
  • graciousdove
    graciousdove Posts: 28 Member
    I use to have horrible cramps too. Taking a small walk at a slow pace, hot water or a heating pad on your stomach and breathing into your stomach have all worked for me. The main thing that ended everything was being put on the birth control pill. Talk to your doctor and see what they have to say. Good luck!