The scale and I just broke up

Yup it is true, the scale and I just broke up. I have been working very hard for weeks. I have stuck to my calories, gone to the gym and kept a wonderful attitude. My legs are sore as we speak from my workouts. Two days ago my brother left for the Marine Corp and we had a family dinner. I went over my calories by 500 and the scale told me this morning I gained 2 lbs. I have stepped on the scale every day since I can remember. It is such a struggle between wonderful weigh ins and the completely discouraging ones. So I have decided the scale is not a positive influence in my weight loss so we had to break up. It is now in a box in my garage :). I have noticed my clothes fitting better, I can see more muscle in my legs and arms. I feel more lean. So I took my trainers advice from the end of July and got rid of the scale. It felt good! I took my measurements and I will be going by that and sticking with the gym and calories. Sorry scale but it's not me...... it's YOU.


  • Good job, now if only I could find the right way to break up with mine.
  • slays1415
    slays1415 Posts: 22 Member
    Congrats! That is totally the way to do it. Go by how your clothes fit and how you look - that's all that matters anyway. Also, I don't know how much you have to lose, but when you get down under 10 lbs., the water weight fluctuations (especially if you lift and are building muscle) can render your scale weight completely useless! I've been trying to lose the same 5 lbs. forever, but the scale weight has no meaning. I can tell I haven't lost it by which clothes I can wear comfortably.
  • linubie
    linubie Posts: 4 Member
    Yeah, I wanted to throw my scale out the window this morning. I might need to take a break from him. He's all "Step on me" and I'm all "No no it's never good news." He's all "No, it will be different this time, I swear" and I'm all "Welllll....maybe this time it will be good news." I even try moving the scale around to different parts of the bathroom, in case the floor might be uneven in a particular spot.

    And yeah, he's right, it's different. But different in the WRONG direction! I don't understand, I'm coming under my calorie limit, I've started (kinda) exercising again, even upped my growth hormone dosage, but he's still giving me mixed signals/wrong answers.

    I want to get rid of him, but I can't. It's the quintessential abusive relationship.
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    Congrats on the break up! You are so much better off without him and all the drama/stress/judgement he brings!
  • mol3718
    mol3718 Posts: 16
    Go for it and break up :) I told myself I would stop the negative things that affect my weight loss and if the scale is going to be one of them, then dump it. Sure I will weigh in occasionally, like once a month. I just can't step on the thing all the time. I know I am gaining muscle and working hard so the scale really isn't what is important. Is the number really that important anyway? When I was at my smallest in High School I didn't even own a scale.
  • mol3718
    mol3718 Posts: 16
    Yeah, I wanted to throw my scale out the window this morning. I might need to take a break from him. He's all "Step on me" and I'm all "No no it's never good news." He's all "No, it will be different this time, I swear" and I'm all "Welllll....maybe this time it will be good news." I even try moving the scale around to different parts of the bathroom, in case the floor might be uneven in a particular spot.

    And yeah, he's right, it's different. But different in the WRONG direction! I don't understand, I'm coming under my calorie limit, I've started (kinda) exercising again, even upped my growth hormone dosage, but he's still giving me mixed signals/wrong answers.

    I want to get rid of him, but I can't. It's the quintessential abusive relationship.

    I love this. My scale and your scale must have been friends before they met us!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Yeah, I wanted to throw my scale out the window this morning. I might need to take a break from him. He's all "Step on me" and I'm all "No no it's never good news." He's all "No, it will be different this time, I swear" and I'm all "Welllll....maybe this time it will be good news." I even try moving the scale around to different parts of the bathroom, in case the floor might be uneven in a particular spot.

    And yeah, he's right, it's different. But different in the WRONG direction! I don't understand, I'm coming under my calorie limit, I've started (kinda) exercising again, even upped my growth hormone dosage, but he's still giving me mixed signals/wrong answers.

    I want to get rid of him, but I can't. It's the quintessential abusive relationship.

    This is the story of my morning, every morning. Why do we fall for these guys?

    I need to break up with my *kitten* scale, too.
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    I broke up with mine last week :) I stopped seeing results with the scale numbers but the inches are coming off! measuere instead! Id like to add he was making my day good or bad everyday i weighted
  • linubie
    linubie Posts: 4 Member
    I broke up with mine last week :) I stopped seeing results with the scale numbers but the inches are coming off! measuere instead! Id like to add he was making my day good or bad everyday i weighted

    Yes! That was the most abusive part of the whole thing. The *kitten* could make or break my day in two seconds, and I hate that. Life's too short to be influenced so heavily by a piece of machinery. Hmmmm, maybe I WILL ditch him soon....