Starvation Mode



  • Shir0kuma
    the question was how do you get out, not how do you get in???
  • anonomnom

    can you elaborate, show some documentation, studies, reasons why you say this. Let's talk about it in a positive manner, I've done a lot of research on this topic, and love discussing it, but without facts and information, we're just furthering rumor.

    ...She doesn't need to. It's in all caps so its true. Silly.....
  • fearundercontrol
    I've heard that starvation mode is just a myth. Are there any legit/peer reviewed articles that can support or debunk this theory?
  • FeelStrong
    Your body doesn't store the fat - if fat is there, it will metabolise that in preference to anything else. It's when you've run out of fat, your GI tract is empty and you've metabolised all the ketones to keep your brain functioning that your body will start to use lean protein (muscles) to survive.
  • snelson1708
    Please let me know if I am in danger of starving myself....

    According to the App I downloaded I should net 1600 calories a day to lose 2 pounds per week.

    I have been using this app for 2 weeks now to tack my calories and monitor my progress., I am working out 6 times per week.

    Here is my average day so far...

    I consume 2000 calories and burn 900 to net 1100 calories. At this rate I ought to lose 3 pounds per week instead of 2. Should I up my calories eaten to 2600?

    Would I be healthier if I simply ate 1600 calories and did not work out? Meet in the middle and eat 2200 and burn 600?

    This debate was happening last night when my wife was wondering why after a 1500 calorie workout I was "pigging out". I actually only ate 2000 calories for the day and I netted 372. This is unhealthy, right? Why bother burning all of those calories if you are going to just eat them right back? AM I tired because I am working out a ton, or because my body thinks it is starving?

    If I keep this up for 3 months, at what point will I be in danger of losing my hair and nails? Plateau?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    ok here are some links to some studies done on starvation mode (yes it IS a real thing). Please note, starvation mode isn't a myth, the only myth is people perpetuating false statements regarding it. If you want to know more, I've done very detailed research into it in the last 5 years, and have accumulated a lot of clinical research data. I can explain the processes, hormones, metabolic responses, and symptoms of starvation mode (note I did NOT say starvation, different topic). Just PM me and I'll help. I've already posted about 500 bajillion times on it here, so I'm not going to debate it publicly again.


  • brandi0lee
    guess what? you won't stay in starvation mode forever - even if you keep on starving. otherwise, how would you actually starve? how do the severly emaciated die if they're in starvation mode?
    starvation mode is a term that is thrown around far too much without proper understanding. it doesn't happen nearly as often as people think, as is much easier to rectify than people think. it's not even worth worrying about unless you hit a plateau - and even then (unless you are barely eating anything) you won't be in 'starvation mode'. you have just hit a plateau. eat a couple hundred more calories a day and the problem will be solved :)

  • theroadto100
    theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
    I had an eating disorder and I guess I went into "starvation mode" and it has COMPLETELY screwed up my body. I was living on a few hundred calories a day for a while and lost 30 pounds within a few months, but when I finally smartened up and raised my calories up to 1200 a day, I gained FAST. It's horrible.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Please let me know if I am in danger of starving myself....

    According to the App I downloaded I should net 1600 calories a day to lose 2 pounds per week.

    I have been using this app for 2 weeks now to tack my calories and monitor my progress., I am working out 6 times per week.

    Here is my average day so far...

    I consume 2000 calories and burn 900 to net 1100 calories. At this rate I ought to lose 3 pounds per week instead of 2. Should I up my calories eaten to 2600?

    Would I be healthier if I simply ate 1600 calories and did not work out? Meet in the middle and eat 2200 and burn 600?

    This debate was happening last night when my wife was wondering why after a 1500 calorie workout I was "pigging out". I actually only ate 2000 calories for the day and I netted 372. This is unhealthy, right? Why bother burning all of those calories if you are going to just eat them right back? AM I tired because I am working out a ton, or because my body thinks it is starving?

    If I keep this up for 3 months, at what point will I be in danger of losing my hair and nails? Plateau?

    Some fair questions here. Firstly, don't panic, you're not in any danger. From the numbers you have put up here you are not starving yourself to the point that it will become a health concern. However, I can imagine that you are often tired and hungry, and on some days struggle to complete your workouts with a decent amount of energy.

    If you can up your calories a bit on average to be closer to the amount set by MFP you will be better off in the long term, but a few days (or even weeks for that matter) of eating at your current levels wont do you any long term damage.

    What essentially happens is that when you are not taking in enough energy, your body will cannibalise what is already there as fuel. Of course this is what burns fat, but also includes muscle (lean body mass). The reason we strive for a moderate deficit is to retain as much of that muscle mass as possible while telling the body to use the fat as fuel to meet the defecit we create by limiting our caloric intake.

    The other way to preserve (and build) this lean mass is to exercise - particularly resistance / weight training. You burn energy while exercising, and build/retain muscle which inturn also burns more energy. This definitely answers the question of whether you are better off not working out and eating less... unless you are intentionally going for the 'skinny fat' look of course. :)

    I hope that helps a little bit.

  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    How long does it take your body to go into starvation mode? Months, weeks, days?
    An obese Scotsman known as "Mr AB" fasted for over a year and lost just under a pound a day, if that helps. He kept it off for several years.

    You may have to define your terms ;-)
  • kingpt11
    kingpt11 Posts: 27
    The other way to preserve (and build) this lean mass is to exercise - particularly resistance / weight training. You burn energy while exercising, and build/retain muscle which inturn also burns more energy. This definitely answers the question of whether you are better off not working out and eating less... unless you are intentionally going for the 'skinny fat' look of course. :)

    I hope that helps a little bit.


    Dont do the same mistake i did. i lost alot of muscle when fasting, and now im having trouble bulking up again, while trying to lose my love handles.