Confused, Worried, and need some help



  • Glasgow_Vegan
    Glasgow_Vegan Posts: 209 Member
    Lets start with something realistic...

    Can you stomach diet Mtn. Dew?

    They don't sell if here but if it's an energy drink then do that. Then gradually cut down over a few weeks.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    You'll want to read this, it will answer your question
  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    HOnestly you're not eating enough, at all. And the Mountain Dew, is pure sugar and empty calories. Sugar is Liquid fat. It hinders weight loss.
  • KrysGettinFit
    KrysGettinFit Posts: 131 Member
    I have been where you are, with the Dew especially. I loved it, it was my favorite. I would wake up and have either a Mt. Dew or a Coke. Once I decided to start losing weight I realized how much I needed to cut back on soda. It used to be the ONLY thing I drank, I would only drink water if you held my mouth open and forced me. I slowly started to cut back, where I would have about 8 cans/bottles of soda a day, I started having 5 and when I was craving it I would compromise and drink a bottle of water and if I still wanted the soda, I would have a small glass. Then I cut back even more to 3, doing the same thing. I eventually got to the point where all I was drinking was water. Well I have slowly re introduced myself to soda, although now I try to stick ot one can of cherry coke zero at lunch. If I really want it, I will have it. But again, only after I have drank a bottle of water. This helped me a lot.

    As far as what you are eating during the day, you are seriously depriving yourself of nutrients, try having a piece of fruit in the morning. A banana is what I usually try to have every day. I love Ramen, but I haven't had it in 4 years because of the sodium content. It is just so bad for you.. Maybe try to cut down on that to once a week? Also you definitely need to snack more on things like baby carrots and apples etc. You seem to be needing to eat more of the "good" stuff.

    I hope this helps, stick with it!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    5 cans of Dew= 850 extra calories a day. I would much rather use those towards food! 850 calories a day is alot though, esp of empty sugar. I would try and cut back, drink some more water and eat some better foods.

    I was just going to do this math for you...part of the reason you might not be hungry is due to all the Mountain Dew and sugar. Try switching to diet first or try something like, ok if I have X for breakfast, then I can have a Mountain Dew (diet or regular if you can't stand diet) with lunch. Starting slow is better than nothing-you'll get it done, good luck!:smile:
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    Lets start with something realistic...

    Can you stomach diet Mtn. Dew?

    I like Diet Dew, but when I switched to it about a year ago for a few months, this may sound weird, but my stomach was constantly gurgling... loud. When I switched back to regular, it stopped.. Not sure what it was, but it was embarrassing. Sitting on the couch with my fiance watching a movie, it would just gurgle so bad...

    its the fake sugar in it -know several people myself included that this happens need more healthy calories throughout the day - try 6 small meals throughout the day ....the pop is filling you up with carbonation so you dont feel hungry-cut back to small can in am and one at lunch....and move more....try fitting in a 15 min walk 3 times a day to start or dance if you like that. also more sleep ....basic humans need at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep (experts say) the caffeine from the Dew is keeping you awake longer.....btw I love mtn dew too:) cut myself back to 1 can of diet once or twice a month....I drink coffee for my caffeine fix or green tea but try to keep it to before 2pm. :) hope this helps.
  • gypsybree
    gypsybree Posts: 218
    You're not eating enough calories.
    I was eating 1600 calories and now I eat 2600 calories and now I lose weight and I wasn't before.
    Once your body stabilizes and you start losing weight you will quit losing weight. When that happens that is when you will need to create a surplus.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    First I'd cut the soda in whatever way you have to do it. Mix it with diet for awhile. Switch to something else entirely. Drink the diet. Whatever you have to do. Liquid calories suck. SO many people lose right away when they drop the sugary drinks.

    Also....if you aren't losing, perhaps you have your activity level set to high, are recording exercise too generously, or under recording your food? I deliberately have mine set to sedentary so I can record ALL of my exercise (and I eat my calories back) and if I'm not sure how much food I have or what entry matches what I'm eating the closest I round up and choose the one with more calories.
  • lfasullo08
    lfasullo08 Posts: 1 Member
    It seems to me that you aren't eating nearly as much as you should be. The majority of your calories are probably coming from all of the mountain dew you're consuming.

    In addition, the foods that you are eating (from the description you provided) all seem like they're processed carbohydrates. I would really try to get in more protein and vegetables. Your body is most likely in starvation mode because its not getting near the nutrition it needs.

    If you're interested you should check out :

    It might help you see what all the foods you're eating now might cause weight retention.
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    I went from a similar spot. Not the soda but the small meals.
    I started snacking like literally all day on veggies.
    The pounds have been FALLING off.
  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member
    First, don't get discouraged!! Make small changes to start. Like others have said, you need to do something about the mountain dew, lots and lots of sugar. I'm wondering if your stomach didn't like the diet dew because of all the artificial sweeteners and junk in the them. I don't feel well at all when I drink them. It's going to be tough, but I think you really need to cut that. Protein shakes in the morning is a great idea.

    Also I saw that you eat ramen... take a look at the sodium on that. It's incredibly high and is probably sabotaging your diet. I also don't think you are eating enough. more fruits, more veggies, more protein... I bet you will feel so much better!!
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring your foods or just guesstimating?
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I don't know what your calorie goal is set to, but 5 Dews and 1pack of Ramen is 1,210. Yes, you should still be losing weight if that's all you are consuming but given all the sodium and sugar in those two items...

    I'm really not surprised you aren't losing. I am not trying to be a meanie and I certainly don't "eat clean" even half the time, but you really have to consider what is making up your calories and if your food choices are healthy. Yours, for the most part, don't appear to be.

    Sure you can view weight loss as calories in v calories out, but if this has been your diet over a period of time -- I wonder if you haven't done some damage to your body. I'd see a doctor or a nutritionist --- or is nothing else switch to diet dew and eat some produce.
  • WOW! All of the replies have me blown away. Thank you everyone!

    I honestly thought it was calories... simple calories. It says x amount of calories = 1 lb etc, so I just thought as long as there was a deficit showing, I should be losing, right?

    Guess I need to sit down and really do some meal planning or something. I also need to look into "good" vs "bad"
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    When you eat too few of calories, even if you're working out your body goes in to "store" mode and your metabolism doesn't work as hard as it should to burn fat. Eat to loose. A min. of 1200 cals and you'll need more if you workout.

    Also (I know everyone has already been saying it, but it's true), loose the soda. It's no good for you. I gave up soda in HS for a swim season. I can't handle the stuff now until it has booze in it. lol! And even then I can't have a lot of it.

    Hope that helps bud. :flowerforyou:
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I agree with everyone else...cut back on the Mountain Dew and eventually cut down to not drinking it at all. And the Ramen noodles are REALLY high in sodium and fat (read - WOW). Try replacing the Ramen noodles with a salad with lots of dark greens (baby spinach, spring mix, etc.), vegetables (I like green onions on mine for flavor - my family thinks I'm nuts!), a low-calorie vinaigrette, etc. You can add some skinless chicken breast for protein. It will be more satisfying and healthy!
  • aqm22
    aqm22 Posts: 153 Member

    Get your kids to eat vegetables too. They cannot be healthy living off of pastas. You are the mom make them eat healthier food. My mom would force veggies (certain ones I hate but she thinks is healthy) down my throat through screams and tears. Now, at 26, I love her more for it.

    Cut down on your Mtn Dew consumption. Eat more veggies, nuts, and the likes. Eat a more BALANCED diet.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Ramen is loaded with sodium. 5 cans of Mountain Dew is nothing but sugar, sodium and whatever stimulant (caffeine?). Not all calories are created equal. There is no nutrition in these calories. I think it really is starvation mode. Even if your daily calories were about 1200 there is very little nutrition to fuel your body.
  • For the record, the kids eat fruits and veggies. It's hard to get them to eat anything BUT those :) I do make them eat decent, even if they won't eat red meats etc. I just rarely eat with them, only make enough for them.
  • I would start switching to eating mostly whole foods...more fruits, vegetables, less pre packaged stuff (like Ramen, although it's okay in moderation). Also switch to whole grains...whole wheat bread, brown rice, etc. :) I would also try to cut back on soda if you can.