
Is my body ever going to get used to eating like this?? I didn't even eat that badly before. My regular diet was about 1500/day . I have always been conscious of what I'm eating, but I have terribly slow metabolism. Will my body ever be used to eating so little? I'm assuming it must get easier right? the cravings will fade week by week? Soon my body will be used to getting by on so little..right? Because right now I'm SO hungry and I'm hungry for baaad things. 1200 just isn't a lot! I have guy friends that eat 4000-5000 daily!
I'm going to tough it out for today. But I'm worried about how long I can keep this up without just saying F**k it =(

Just tell me it gets easier.... and tricks on how to tough these cravings out..?


  • nattylou90natt
    nattylou90natt Posts: 25 Member
    How long have you been doing this for?
    It does get easier, I have restarted this week and i am hungry but iv done this before and lost weight and i stopped feeling so hungry after about a week.
    Your body will get used to it, you could up your intake if you feel that 1200 isnt enough for you?
    Some people start off at about 1500 becuase they cant handle cutting out so much at first.
    If you exercise, and count the calories burnt, you can eat back what you have lost.

    Hope you keep at it! =)

  • WildDanimal
    Drinking a glass or two of water before or after your meals will help a ton. Also eat less more frequent, ex: breakfast, SNACK, lunch, SNACK, dinner. You'll be less hungry at each meal time. :) Also make sure that what you are eating is hardy in protein. This is at least what has helped me, hope it helps you! :)
  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    According to your diary, you ate 790 calories yesterday, no dinner, and lunch at Dunkin' Donuts. Today you didn't eat lunch. Your calorie goal is 1,000. No wonder you are hungry. Your body is starving. I know MFP didn't set your goal to 1,000, so you must've. Search the forums for TDEE, BMR, and Eat More to Lose Weight. You need to be eating more. Also, if you eat more protein and fiber, you will stay fuller longer. Your protein intake is extremely low.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    What the heck happened yesterday? You ate only 800 calories and they were 99% carbs. Yeah, you would feel awful eating that way. :noway:

    I am not sure I understand what you want from us. If you chose to eat 25% under your calorie goal and you make those calories 99% carbs, then you are going to feel lousy. :sad:
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    When I tried eating 1300 a day, I was the same. I did it for about a month and it took me a few days to get used to it. It helps to make sure your meals are packed with veggies because that adds a lot of bulk but few calories.

    However. I was tired all the time and I was weak and achy. So after about a month of that, I suddenly wondered WTF I was doing to myself :laugh: I put myself back up to maintenance calories and started lifting weights.

    I feel a lot better. Most days I eat around 1800 calories, some days a bit more. My weight and size has not changed, but I am getting strong and I know I'll slim down eventually. What I'm getting at is, if all you're trying to do is lose the last ten/twenty pounds, you can try it by lifting weights and eating maintenance and plenty of protein. Just make sure you work hard :)
  • zookeepersuzy
    I don't think 1200 is enough for anyone.. so I'd say eat more like 1500.

    However, if you are going to only eat 1200 per day, you need to eat quality food. Quality food does not include ice coffee or bagels. Try more fruits/vegs that are high volume/low calorie density. If you eat meat, that will probably also help with your energy levels.

    Also, if your goal is 1200 per day, you need to eat at least that much. Yesterday your diary says you had 446 calories left. It's no wonder that you're hungry!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Is this a troll?

    If you want to eat more, exercise more. I bet 1500 IS a deficit for you, but you probably don't like to exercise or eat clean. Your diary is ridiculous. There's only two days logged, so if you're THAT new to this, give it longer than 2 days, set AT LEAST a 1200, and wtf, drop the Dunkin Doughnuts.
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    I brought it down to 1000 because I've tried 1200 before and...nothing. I'm going to keep trying for 1000 (and if I eat a little more than expected I'm still in the 1200 range) and I'm going to up the exercise, because right now my walks aren't helping.

    I am new to the site but not to diets. I've been trying and failing for years. Trust me, I've tried the eating more to lose thing...I just gained. I know my biggest thing is exercising more right now...but I wish this hunger would disappear. I think it will subside in a week or 2 though. my body should get used to this.
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    Also, I woke up late, so my breakfast kind of was my lunch..
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    More protein, more fiber. Also, more food.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    What sort of exercise are you doing?
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    Ok...I only dropped it to 1000 because i always went over 1200, so i figured if i aim for 1000 ill actually eat 1200. So Im going to aim for 1200 WITH exercise..because I need to get into fitness, but thats another story.

    My biggest thing was wondering if 1200 ever gets easy? or even less excruciating?
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I have a hard time making it to 1200 calories most days but I don't feel hungry hardly ever (I am usuallsy around 1000). I don't eat many processed foods, mostly veggies and lean protein. My problem getting to 1200 calories is that I feel too full from the foods I eat. I think you need to change the quality of your food choices. I also drink a lot of water. Water will help you lose weight
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    there is a big difference between 800 and 1200, make good choices with those extra 400 cal. and u should not feel like you are starving.... you can eat 1/2 of a PB&J on whole wheat TWICE a day, as snacks when you feel hungry and still be under the 1200 mark and should feel satisfied.


    to answer your question, yes, your body does seem to adjust to the change and you will notice that you need less to feel full
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    there is a big difference between 800 and 1200, make good choices with those extra 400 cal. and u should not feel like you are starving.... you can eat 1/2 of a PB&J on whole wheat TWICE a day, as snacks when you feel hungry and still be under the 1200 mark and should feel satisfied.


    to answer your question, yes, your body does seem to adjust to the change and you will notice that you need less to feel full

    Thank you, and the PB&J idea is great. Easy and filling when I feel starved. Another problem of mine is stopping once I start. I won't be hungry in the morning until I have something, and from that moment, its ON. I hate that.
  • ogriffix
    ogriffix Posts: 42
    I know it sounds lame but when I crave, and I mean crave so hard my mouth waters, I get moving! Put on a sports bra and leggings so you can see why you are working so hard for it! Create a calorie deficient so you can indulge a bit. Don't go half way. When you want to stop push harder.