P90X plyo & knee pain

Hey guys,

I've been having pain in one of my knee for a couple months and I don't want to quit my P90X training...but I just can't seem to be able to go through the entire Plyo routine as my knee feels weird. You guys think I should avoid Plyo completely, do it moderately, or all out? Never really had any pain before so I'd appreciate your suggestions! Thanks for your advice and have a good one!


  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    First off if it is that painful you would be best to see a doctor and have it checked out.

    If it was me and just hurt a little I would leave it out all together one week and then do a little the next and so on until you feel better. I am not one for icing but rather soak in a hot tub works for me.

    I have had a sore right knee for years but exercising actually makes it better... its when I stop running or doing cardio for a few days that is starts to act up??? Weird I know.

    Good luck to you.
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    @jothkid - Instead of Plyo do Cardio X on that day. At least until you can build yourself up to doing Plyo X. Plyo X is a tough workout and I highly recommend those that have a lot of pain as you are mentioning to do Cardio X instead.

    It very well could be that the soreness is just form the new movement as well. Also, if you are NOT wearing the proper shoes you could be hurting your joints from not having the proper support. Another thing to try is getting a plyometrics mat to use during Plyo X.

    P90X Certified Professional
  • jothekid
    jothekid Posts: 230 Member
    thanks guys! It's really a weird feeling...not really hurting that much, but it feels weird so I don't wanna force it and get badly injured! I'll try to use your tips and hopefully it'll help! Cheers mates!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I play soccer, and one day I went out to play and, while I was running, my knee gave out. There was a rather loud popping noise when it happened. That popping noise is characteristic of a torn ACL. But, the guys I was playing with said: 'Yeah, we heard a pop. But it didn't sound like the normal ACL pop.'
    I guess they were trying to console me with some hopefulness. Anyway, i did not go to the doctor. Instead, I waited, hoping the swelling would go down, figuring then I could tell if it was unstable. In the meantime, I kept doing things on the knee.
    Five months later, when the swelling had still not resolved, I finally went to the doctor. This is how men do it. After a brief physical exam, the doctor said: 'I'm just going to schedule you for surgery. I'll do an MRI, but I already know your ACL is ruptured.'
    It turned out I had cartilage and meniscus damage as well -- damage I may have done to myself by not going to the doctor and continuing to run and be active on the knee. My rehab was much longer because of that cartilage damage.
    Just a cautionary tale. Don't be a man. if something hurts, and has become a regular, chronic pain, I think you should get it checked out. They may tell you it is just a strain. But . . . .
  • jsharpnack
    jsharpnack Posts: 37 Member
    How many calories does the cardio x and kenpo x burn ?