Afraid to eat over the magic 1200, binge anyway?



  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    I'm starting to wonder if MFP will just trigger my eating disorder?

    It's possible - if the disorder is already there then you'll be able to find answers that fit in with it on the forum.

    I think you have to be quite a strong character to block out all the posts where people are saying it's so great to be eating less than 1200 cals/day. It's not a magic number to strive to be under - it's the magic number to NEVER BE UNDER.

    Work out you maintenance calories for your current weight and hang on to that figure because anything below that and you're still losing. I wish MFP would display a friendly green total if you daily calorie goal is within, say +/- 100 cals of the set-in-stone recommendation, rather than turning to guilty red as soon as you go 1cal over.

    MFP is about teaching ourselves healthy eating habits and rebuilding a healthy relationship with food - nothing in life is black and white so stringent calorie goals go counter to what we're aiming for.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    1,200 net calories is a lot of calories if you eat foods low in calories but a lot of them and depending on exercise. I eat a lot of broccoli, fresh fruits, cabbages, green beans, carrots, etc. One week, I ate 5 cups of vegetables a day along with everything else. There was absolutely no hunger at night time.

    I'm at about 1,500-1,700 total calories now as I only have 10 pounds to lose. It's working okay...
  • NaleneLorenz
    I'm on 1200 per day but that's because I'm shooting for a 2lb per week loss. That IS too low under normal circumstances (I have an event I want to look good for at the end of sept). If you're on more of a long-term goal, maybe bump the calories up a bit.

    Personally, I allow myself to "eat normal" on the weekends, this means, I eat how I normally eat when not trying to lose weight. Not sure if this will be effective or not. We'll find out during my weigh in next Monday. ;)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    As long as you are ending the week in a deficiency, it shouldn't matter if you had "normal days". Of course that assumes your "normal days" aren't binge days where you eat 4500 calories and eat primarily processed foods instead of clean.

    Definitely not 4,500! If I ate like that "normally" I'd have a much greater weight loss goal. ;)
  • NaleneLorenz
    Okay so in March I started trying to lose weight on here and I would usually eat 1200 or less calories a day and burn up like 300-400 calories. I lost weight pretty fast but I hit a plateau after losing 9 pounds and last month in August I gained it all back.

    I also developed binge eating habits, which is why I gained it back so fast, basically I go downstairs at around midnight and just eat..and eat.. and eat.

    And now I'm terrified to eat over the magic 1200 calories because it worked so well before and I binge at night so that's more calories anyway. Also, if I eat what I'm supposed to during the day at my BMR or whatever my number would be I'm scared that I'll binge and just gain more weight.

    The obvious answer would be; stop binging, and well, I'm working on it but I just need some advice.
    Also, when I binge at night it's just cravings and habit, I never really binge at night because of hunger so I'm pretty sure I'm eating plenty..

    Judging from your profile pic you should be eating way more to lose the fat.
    I can help you if you want custom numbers run.

    PM me but be ready to eat and lose fat.

    I read your post:

    And it makes a lot of sense. I calculated my BMR on this site:

    And modified for activity. I've adjusted MFP to 1600 calories

    gave me 1,994 to maintain. Not sure if I'm doing it right. But I plan on cutting down the carbs and increasing protein and good fats as well as working out. We'll see how it goes!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Sorry, but I am going to be a b!tch here. I hate when skinny chicks wah wah about being too fat. :sad:

    Seriously, I feel like if you lose much more weight, you will look unhealthy and be unhealthy. Stop trying to limit your food and start working out: lifting weights will seriously tone you up, allow you to eat more, and change your appearance for the positive while still being healthy.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Sorry, but I am going to be a b!tch here. I hate when skinny chicks wah wah about being too fat. :sad:

    Seriously, I feel like if you lose much more weight, you will look unhealthy and be unhealthy. Stop trying to limit your food and start working out: lifting weights will seriously tone you up, allow you to eat more, and change your appearance for the positive while still being healthy.

    I ****ing love you!!!!