Well hello everyone

Hi everyone,
I'm 21 and 216lbs yes thats right I'm a big 21 year old and I'm on a mission to down size not just myself but also my wardrobe.
My boyfriend got me a dress that is a little small it's a smallish size 16 and i can only get the zip up half way, but its an incentive for me to loose weight so i agreed to take the challenge of being able to fit in this dress by 1st November otherwise it goes on ebay and if I'm honest it would look better on me then it would on ebay :D
Please please please add me and help support me because my will power is very low, i suppose thats one of my weaknesses.

Anywho lots of thin thoughts and support coming everyone's way and stay positive no matter what!



  • sassi5
    sassi5 Posts: 49
    Good luck! Add me if you want!
  • gmoore351
    gmoore351 Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome. I am so glad you have made this choice in your life now and not wait as long as I have. I feel I have missed out on so much of life due to being overweight. You will achieve your goal, and I am here it encourage you......smile.
  • StrawBerries14
    Welcome I'm a newbie as well. I hope to help you out as well as you help me.