
Hi my name is Sharon and this is my frist day on this. I think its going to be a usefull tool to use Does anyone have any good suggestions to help get me started on here? Good luck to all!!!!


  • sephigem
    well todays my first day on here to, but i started walking for an hour or so everyday to keep you active and going hope that helps
    add me if you like.

    Many thin thoughts coming your way oh and stay positive

    :) xxxxx
  • Naples6020
    Just log your food and try and do some type of exercise daily. Make sure you add friends because, viewing other peoples food diarys does give great ideas and inspiration. Welcome and good luck. You can add me as a friend. I log food and exercise daily. I have a long way to go and I am in it for the long haul. I love to log my food and exercise. You do not realize how many calories you are eating, and it helps you make better choices.