How much added sugar do you allow yourself a day?

Hi everyone! New to the forums but been lurking for a while, so thought it was about time I signed up (and I thought people here would be more useful than over at Yahoo Answers :P )

Just wondering how much added sugar you allow yourself each day?

It's hard for me to know what is added sugar, and what isn't. I have about 60g of Nesquik cereal with skimmed milk daily, which easily takes me to around 27g of sugar (10g of sugar per 30g cereal without milk) and around 280 calories. I figured this would be OK, because when I look at other cereals such as Alpen, Special K, or All Bran, they also have 7-10g of sugar per 30g.

But apart from this, I don't have much other sugars except the odd gram that is in other foods I eat.

Then twice a week, I have a Starbucks Refresha (13-15g of sugar, 60-80 calories each).

Just want to see if I'm on the right tracks, and if not, what people would suggest, so thanks for any help! :)

Been dieting for a month now, and have lost 14 lbs (was 231 lbs) :)


  • andrewlazenby
    50% of my calories come from carbs / sugar..... If its natural or added to a food it really does not bother me to awful much.
  • ShaneOSX
    ShaneOSX Posts: 198
    EDITED: Men should try not to exceed 36g of ADDED sugar per day. So two cups (60g) of that cereal would take you to more than half your entire day's allowance just by itself, since ALL of that sugar is added. None of the sugar in the milk is added, unless you're using a weird brand. It has a small amount of saturated fat in it too, which I feel like is probably easy to avoid when selecting a cereal brand. It also has some random unnatural sweeteners, fake vanilla, and one or two other things I'd avoid in there.

    There are lots of "healthier" cereals to try, certainly more natural ones, but in my personal opinion, cereal is among the worst things you can eat on a diet. It's basically all carbs and sugar, which you don't need any of, it won't keep you full for long, and the nutrition label is deceptive because you're going to eat at least two cups and you have to factor in the milk.

    I wouldn't worry about the Starbucks, it's good to treat yourself, but I'd suggest maybe trying a protein shake or eggs for breakfast instead of cereal.
  • cambridgegirl309
    cambridgegirl309 Posts: 26 Member
    Women should try not to exceed 20g of ADDED sugar per day.

    Matt's a guy...
  • ShaneOSX
    ShaneOSX Posts: 198
    Women should try not to exceed 20g of ADDED sugar per day.

    Matt's a guy...

    Haha, apologies. Apparently I just assume all thread starters are women. Correcting my earlier post.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I don't track sugar. I make sure I'm getting enough fat, protein, carbs and fiber. As long as I am, I don't worry about the other stuff.
  • matt9210
    Thanks for your replies :)

    I'll definitely look at more cereals, I just try to mix it up a little bit.

    I can't not have cereals, aha. I can limit all the junk like fried foods, crisps, chocolate, etc. (haven't touched them since I started my weight loss plan), but I don't want to get rid of everything I enjoy, and cereal is near the top of that list.

    Personally I usually feel satisfied after a bowl of cereal. If not, I have a yoghurt or breakfast bar too, or at least a couple of hours later.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    ~125 g a day for me. It was ~60 when I trying to lose.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    As many as I want assuming that it fits into my macros/calorie target and does not mean that I have 'no room' left for a balanced diet (fruits/veggies etc).

    You have lost 14lb in a month. What makes you think you are not on the right track?
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    If this is on the label under sugar you know it's going to be good
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't pay any attention to sugar. If I stay under my calorie goal and hit my macros, then it's a good day.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    If this is on the label under sugar you know it's going to be good

    Lulz... unless you're diabetic ;)
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member

    I'm sure you'd be ok with more than 8 grams of sugar. Just make sure they're clean.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    So as long as I don't add sugar to any of my foods I can eat whatever I want and not gain weight? AWESOME!!!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    long as you don't have diabetes, odds are you can have however much sugar you want -- be it natural or added. many here, myself included, don't even track the stuff. track your carbs, keep them in line, and you'll be good to go.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I pay no attention to my sugar intake whatsoever except to occasionally laugh at it.
  • invictus8
    invictus8 Posts: 258 Member
    As little as possible.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    The less I eat, the less I want, the easier this whole process becomes.

    Given that all carbohydrate metabolises down to glucose in any case then this principle holds true for carbohydrate also.

    I have a 50g carb limit per day, mostly veggies, very little of this limit is sugar.

    Don't need it, don't miss it.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    The less I eat, the less I want, the easier this whole process becomes.

    Given that all carbohydrate metabolises down to glucose in any case then this principle holds true for carbohydrate also.

    I have a 50g carb limit per day, mostly veggies, very little of this limit is sugar.

    Don't need it, don't miss it.

    Protein also metabolizes to glucose.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    The less I eat, the less I want, the easier this whole process becomes.

    Given that all carbohydrate metabolises down to glucose in any case then this principle holds true for carbohydrate also.

    I have a 50g carb limit per day, mostly veggies, very little of this limit is sugar.

    Don't need it, don't miss it.


    My rule of thumb, I only eat sugar if it comes with the fiber it was born with.

    Other than that, I don't bother with it.