Hairy Dieters....... Only!!!

AbiCusPeck Posts: 96 Member
Only 4 episodes... I'm in bits, they need to carry it on and keep doing new recipes!!! They were such good recipes, I've done the roast chicken twice now, (tonight the 2nd time!)

Has anyone else tried them???

Got any other good-tasty-filling-not going-to-make-me-fat recipes :):)


  • Leo_Joy_HG
    Leo_Joy_HG Posts: 57 Member
    I loved that show! I've always been a fan of them, but would never have tried there high fat, high cal food...

    Last night i tried their lasange (altered slightly as i am vegan using vegan mine and cheese) I can't say i followed the quatitiies that well, but it was AMAZING!

    Will be buying the book!
  • Arwen280804
    Arwen280804 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm gutted that I missed it all, well I think I caught a few minutes of one episode but that was all.

    I'll keep a look out and see if it'll be repeated :)
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    It's on iplayer!!
    Watched them all & was amazed by the all round approach that the showed.
    Will be buying the book when I see it!
    My mate Liz was great on there......
  • AbiCusPeck
    AbiCusPeck Posts: 96 Member
    I'm gutted that I missed it all, well I think I caught a few minutes of one episode but that was all.

    I'll keep a look out and see if it'll be repeated :)

    Watch on BBCiPlayer :) That's what I do :)
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I missed it but apparently the book has flown off the shelves!!
  • Elizaj85
    Elizaj85 Posts: 158 Member
    I agree great show! I've made the lasagne I was surprised how well the leek pasta worked! :smile:
  • AbiCusPeck
    AbiCusPeck Posts: 96 Member
    I actually had no idea there was a book :) erm... google time!
  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    I made the Chilli, with the shaped wraps and it worked. The Chilli was amazing too, never eating it any other way from now
  • apching
    apching Posts: 10 Member
    We've gone back to planning our meals through the month - half of the recipes in there are from that one book! Everything we've had from it so far has been fantastic. They're a good inspiration as I can associate with their love of food (cooking and eating) and I can associate with the waistline.... if they can do it , so can I!!
  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    If you go on BBCFOOD. website all the recipes are on there until you can buy the book.
  • Astraea1976
    Astraea1976 Posts: 21 Member
    I use this site as it has some really good recipes and it also breaks it down into the different values
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    I loved that show! I've always been a fan of them, but would never have tried there high fat, high cal food...

    Last night i tried their lasange (altered slightly as i am vegan using vegan mine and cheese) I can't say i followed the quatitiies that well, but it was AMAZING!

    Will be buying the book!

    Am glad to read this! I loved the show but hesitated buying the book as so many of the recipes are meat based and I'm veggie. Might get it now if veg mince works :D
  • apching
    apching Posts: 10 Member
    If you go on BBCFOOD. website all the recipes are on there until you can buy the book.

    That's how we got by until the book came - the great thing about the book is the fact there are a whole bunch of new awesome recipes that weren't on their show. The Sham-pagne that they made though is only on the web it would seem - that was pretty tasty (although it is tricky to find that Orange Blossom Water)...
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    It was brilliant - they have a book coming out next week. You can pre-order it on Amazon.

    We had the Special Cassoulet on Tuesday night - it was lovely.

    The Chilli Tortillas and Marsala Chicken are on the menu tomorrow and Sunday!

    I've been plugging the recipes into MFP and they are almost spot on - it depends on the actual products used. The Special Cassoulet was 499 cals per portion when I logged it and they say 462.

    You can get the recipes which were on the actual TV program on bbc website but there is loads more in the book.
  • Wimbledongal
    Wimbledongal Posts: 64 Member
    Their book has knocked 50 shades off the top spot and it's sold out on Amazon!!
  • Jen_ht
    Jen_ht Posts: 99 Member
    Books already out peeps - I can recommend it! I bought their book as soon as I heard about it - so far have tried bacon, poached egg and balsamic tomatoes for brekky. Cottage pie for dinner, and cajun spiced chicken and potato wedges. All YUM!

    I love being able to have REAL food and not feel guilty. I've even adjusted some of their recipes so they're even better for me - using sweet potato and celeriac and leeky mash to top my cottage pie rather than normal potato.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    If you go on BBCFOOD. website all the recipes are on there until you can buy the book.

    I thought it only had the recipes from the show on the site.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    If you go on BBCFOOD. website all the recipes are on there until you can buy the book.

    oooh thanks for that! I've ordered the book, but it won't be delivered til mid-September.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Their book has knocked 50 shades off the top spot and it's sold out on Amazon!!

    It's sold out everywhere. A friend of mine has been trying to get it to no avail.
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    I have the book and watched the shows and yes some great recipes however I would say 1200 calories is very low I understand that what they were doing.

    I am sticking to around 1500 to 2000 calories a day which you can view on my diary