More Calories???

I am breastfeeding my 8 week old baby. At first the weight melted off, but it has gone back up over the last week or two which is so frustrating. I do find myself craving sweets and I do indulge with a scoop of homemade ice cream at the end of each day (yesterday was out of control but it wasn't a typical day and I don't expect that to happen again). I was wondering, how do you know if you need to eat MORE calories in order to lose weight? I don't know if I need to eat more and I'm gaining because I don't have enough going into my body or what.

I do have PCOS so that's already messed up but I also take metformin so that should help from that aspect.

Thanks in advance, I don't want to eat more calories and then blow up like a blimp but I don't want to limit calories and have THAT be the reason I'm not losing anymore.

Any insight?


  • cjsmommy7
    cjsmommy7 Posts: 135 Member
    hi you need to list some figures for any one to be able to help how many cals are you on now weight height age ??
  • alemap340
    I'm 26
    My weight went down to 181 but when I weighed in yesterday it was 186
    MFP has me at 1580 calories
    I put in that I burn about 500 cals/day breastfeeding my baby so that ups it to about 2080
    Yesterday, for example, I also did some pilates so that gave me another 68 calories.
    I finished the day having 166 calories remaining and that was even after eating a couple of doughnuts (like I said, I caved yesterday...)
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    well it's really also about how you feed your body. Eating donuts and icecream is putting your body into carb overload and isn't going to help with weight loss. The less you eat sweets, the less you crave them.