Top tips for those flabby bits

Hey all, anybody have any tips and advice (tried & tested) for help getting rid of BINGO WINGS, AFTER BABY BELLY.(5 years).

I am 5ft 2 and my start weight was 235lbs, I am now 163lbs with 30 more to lose. I carry ALOT of fat on my belly due to having a child and not doing Any exercise for 5 years :mad: it is strange how I am smaller but I still have the same issues with my body as before.

I go swimming once a week, clean 5 hours a day (job) and do try to walk and stay as active as I can. I also have started attempting to do some exercise dvds- I have no co-ordination what so ever! It seems impossible but I will persist. :grumble:

Any advice is appreciated :drinker:


  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Well, I'm probably not much help but we do have the same issues. I just started C25K on Tuesday, and my arms are feeling the muscle tiredness in the flabby area, so I'm thinking this might be the trick. As for the belly, I've been concentrating on keeping my tummy in, using the muscles there (think bikini) to work them out.

    Jennifer Galardi has some great 10 minute solutions DVD (streams on Netflix) that works the abs. You will feel it after the first 10 minute session. I started with those after not exercising for 20+ years. She's easy to follow, and 10 minutes was a big commitment to me at first. Give her a try.

    Good luck ma'am! Best wishes and happy to have passed along a couple of "wins" I've had.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    'Abs are made in the kitchen.' - well known (and true) saying! Eat really, really clean...LOTS of fruit, veg, legumes, whole grains like brown rice & quinoa, lean protein (I only eat fish, plus I get protein from nuts, beans etc) plus tons of water!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    unfortunatly that belly fat is the last to go. body composition is about 80% diet, 20% exercise, so you need to really watch what you eat. log everything, try to avoid foods high in sodium, and try to eat foods with the good fat, like avocados, nuts, etc.

    two types of exercises generally kill the body fat. high intensity interval training, and heavy strength training. HIIT training are things like insanity and p90x dvds, or also things like going for a run, and sprinting every 30 seconds for four minutes.

    personally, i'm a fan of heavy strength training. now, heavy is relative. most people will agree that "heavy" is a weight that you struggle to lift on you last one or two reps.

    this is staci. she is awesome.
    she is about 131 on the left, and 142 on the right.
  • Claremarie1987
    Claremarie1987 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks alot for replies, I am on a high protien diet so I eat alot of fish. I eat alot of veg too.

    What is C25k, Im sorry but I have no idea what this is?

    Yes I need to get into some strength training, what would you recommend for a beginner, would boxing with dumbells be a good place to start?
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    (people are going to get bored of hearing me say this) but I got a new trainer last week and this is the one thing I asked to work on as a goal is my bingo wings and belly I know you cant spot reduce but we found exercises to focus on these areas. Big key for your arms is weights. I do 4kg dumb bells at the minute, 45 reps plus then squats, ab crunches and leg raises for the stomach area. I do this on top of my usual 30 min - 1 hour workout so Im losing the flab as well as toning the muscles, Ive only been doing this a week and from the reaction to my achey muscles it must be working!
  • lululucky1
    lululucky1 Posts: 39 Member
    unfortunatly that belly fat is the last to go. body composition is about 80% diet, 20% exercise, so you need to really watch what you eat. log everything, try to avoid foods high in sodium, and try to eat foods with the good fat, like avocados, nuts, etc.

    two types of exercises generally kill the body fat. high intensity interval training, and heavy strength training. HIIT training are things like insanity and p90x dvds, or also things like going for a run, and sprinting every 30 seconds for four minutes.

    personally, i'm a fan of heavy strength training. now, heavy is relative. most people will agree that "heavy" is a weight that you struggle to lift on you last one or two reps.

    this is staci. she is awesome.
    she is about 131 on the left, and 142 on the right.

    Totally agree....lifting is a must!