So disappointed!!!!

claire30 Posts: 153
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
grr, i am so annoyed!!
Let me explain:
mon-thurs i go the gym at either 8.15 am, or 9am. This is fine because my lectures dont start until the afternoon, so i have plenty of time.
However, every other Friday i have lectures from 9am-5pm and cant get to the gym, as i have to pick the kids up at 5.30. In the Fridays inbetween, i finish at 3pm, which gives me some time to go to the gym from 3.15pm-4.45pm.

well, today i turned up at the gym at 3.15, and the place was PACKED with people!!! Its quite a small gym, so i couldnt get much done at all, and only managed a rubbish 45 mins, on machines that didnt really do much, as everyone else were using the machines.

i feel really annoyed, as i was looking forward to going to the gym today!!!


  • I hear ya! It's that time of year when people make those new years resolutions and are gun ho for awhile. I saw this last year at my gym too and this year as well. The people taper off as time goes by, which is good for you, not for them. So stick with it, the numbers will diminish and keep up the good work!
  • kelligirl
    kelligirl Posts: 210
    The important thing was that you went in the first place... and that you stayed and did work out. It's more than I can say about me!!
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    Thanks guys,
    I am quite new to this gym going, started in early december, and didnt realise how busy it would get!!
    I feel like i didnt achieve what i wanted to.

    you know that feeling you get when you have has a really good workout..when you are totally exhausted, and your body aches, but it feels sooo good!! Thats what i wanted, but i walked away after the 45 mins was up, feeling like i didnt do a proper workout!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Don't get too harsh on yourself. Every calorie counts! Even the crappy ones. Is there any way you could go in the evenings after your little people go to bed? Maybe have a SO or neighbor watch them for an hour? I love babysitting if kids are asleep! Easiest job EVER.
  • sallymurph
    sallymurph Posts: 56 Member
    Its terrible to say but give it a few weeks and most people will have given up on their New Years resolutions. I had the same problem the week after New Years and I've already started to notice a change.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    My experience was similar yesterday. Not "packed", but just enough dopes to mess up my routine. Like one guy who literally sat on each piece reading a magazine while he did his 4 sets with 3-4 min rest between sets. Or the two kids who draped themselves on the power rack and gabbed for 5-10 min in between each set.

    I only made it through 3 sets of one exercise and I was so aggravated I just left. I'll try again today.
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    Don't get too harsh on yourself. Every calorie counts! Even the crappy ones. Is there any way you could go in the evenings after your little people go to bed? Maybe have a SO or neighbor watch them for an hour? I love babysitting if kids are asleep! Easiest job EVER.

    hiya, thanks for the advice, you are right, even the crappy ones count!
    I cant get leave the kids in the evenings, as i have only just moved here to this area, and dont know anyone well enough. Also, i know what i am like,lol! if i left it to the evenings, i'd be too tired/have too much to do etc..and would never go! thats why i go in the mornings as soon as i can, as its done and i dont have to worry about finding the time.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Claire, sounds like it's time to find some local playgroups. Your kids make friends & you get to talk to other moms! It's a win win situation. I bet there will be at least one who would love to trade babysitting.
    Does the facility you're going to have child care? That's another option. Ours has a child care facility with Red Cross trained staff.
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    Claire, sounds like it's time to find some local playgroups. Your kids make friends & you get to talk to other moms! It's a win win situation. I bet there will be at least one who would love to trade babysitting.
    Does the facility you're going to have child care? That's another option. Ours has a child care facility with Red Cross trained staff.
    Thanks again for the adive, but my kids are school age (they are 5 and 10), so are at school from 9-3..but have breakfast club from 8am-9am..then after school club a few times a week, from 3pm-6pm.
  • 5moons
    5moons Posts: 2
    I don't have have anyone to watch my kids. I just moved in to a new house, don't know anyone. Plus i called around and the gyms are a lot of money.!! Anyone have any ideas of exercise i can do at home. Please help...
  • I hear ya! It's that time of year when people make those new years resolutions and are gun ho for awhile. I saw this last year at my gym too and this year as well. The people taper off as time goes by, which is good for you, not for them. So stick with it, the numbers will diminish and keep up the good work!

    This is exactly what I was thinking!
  • I love the Biggest Loser DVD's. They are easy to follow and a pretty good work out. I do one every morning while the baby naps!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I don't have have anyone to watch my kids. I just moved in to a new house, don't know anyone. Plus i called around and the gyms are a lot of money.!! Anyone have any ideas of exercise i can do at home. Please help...

    Try Sparkpeople:

    They have oodles of exercise Youtube videos, about 10 minutes long. You can mix and match the exercises you want.
  • I do some basic aerobics, pump some music like Pink and Lady Gaga, Usher or your favorite fast music , i add some hand weights and just move, jump karate kick , boxing, it is all done in a little space cause you do not need to move around and just give it all you got for 20 min and there is your workout!! Best of all its FREE!!!!!
  • I agree....I go to aerobics and lets just say i'm not the most coordinated person out I come home frustrated and the best advise I got was from my husband...."It doesn't matter if your doing the moves just right as long as you are moving doing something." It's so true if the gym is packed go home and do the cardio jumping jacks , butt kicks, running in place then throw in some hand weights and crunches for 30 minutes and youve completed an excellent workout as long as you have done something to keep the heart rate up for 30 minutes ....your there.:smile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,491 Member
    Don't give up! Yup, sad but true, the New Years resolutioners will begin to peter out. When? Sort of depends on where you live. When we lived in Stroudsburg (PA) it would usually be around the middle of Feb. when the snow really started. Then when we moved further south to Kennett Square (PA) it would usually be in March. You can expect things to pick back up shortly after Easter b/c "bathing suit season is coming". Then it'll slow down in the summer. Then it'll pick up somewhat in September b/c people are thinking that the holidays are coming and they'll overeat, then slow down shortly before the holidays. Sorry if I post twice, still trying to get used to the threads here and how to post when there are lots of replies.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,491 Member
    One time (well, really more than one, but I seem to remember one time specifically) I went to use a machine, and this kid comes up to me and says "I'm not done with that machine". Well, they why were you over on the other side of the gym? Can't you share (wasn't that taught to you in kindergarten?) and let me use the machine while you go off and chat with your friend? Still trying to get this down
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,491 Member
    I can't get over the people who use a machine for maybe a minute and then spend 3 minutes of recovery time while they watch the TV. I'm there to workout, not watch TV. Besides, the TV's are usually so high that I wind up having to tilt my head backwards to see the TV and then I'm not in good form.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,491 Member
    Claire - do you have a college near you? That might be a source of finding someone who'll sit with the kids. Most twenty-somethings like the idea of being paid while the children sleep and they can study. Even if they're in the house with you, at least they're there and you can concentrate totally on your workout.
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