just cant stay on the wagon :(

I just wanted to come on here and have a moan....about myself! Why, when it comes to every other part of my life, I keep promises I make to myself, follow through and make sure i surpass my goals. But when it comes to eating and exercising, I let myself down every time!

Im sure im not alone in this, but I just cant seem to keep anything up for longer than 3 weeks. I know this is ridiculous, as 3 weeks in the point I should start to notice a difference, but for some reason, I give up. And when I give up, I dont just stop the exercise, I EAT.

For the first 10 days or so, I am really committed, ensure my diary is clear so I can workout, cook proper meals etc, but come about week 3, I will have a night out, or dinner out, and will always end up ordering something unhealthy or drinking a bottle of wine. This shouldnt be the end of the world, I should be able to get straight back on the proverbial horse the next day, and carry on. In fact, I think it is good to have "cheat days" so you never have to say "Im never eating that again!", but once I have missed a workout/eaten an unhealthy meal/had a few too many glasses of wine on a night out, I jack everything in.

Im not even sure why. Am I maybe an all or nothing person? Can I not be trusted with bad food? Am i not eductated well enough as far as fitness and nutrition go? Do I lack motivation? Do I stop too easily? Am I setting unrealistic goals? I dont know.

All I know, is that 4 weeks ago, I was doing P90X every day, eating great, getting my protein etc.

And now, it is 2 weeks until my holiday, and for the last week and a half I have been eating anything I want, and havent done a dot of exercise. My body has gone back to how it was, and now Im not looking forward to my holiday as much.

Go figure!


  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    I was the same way and then one day I just said i'm gonna do it this time, and I really wanted to and I stuck with it. After u get past that 3 week point, it starts to become a habit and gets a lot easier, just stick it out, make yourself stick to it, and if u have a bad day, get back on it the next day.
    don't deprive yourself of things you love, just have them in moderation.
    and as far as exercising, on the days you don't feel like it, make yourself do 10 min. (you can handle that, right!?) and at the end of that 10 min, if ur still hating it, stop... at least you got 10 min. instead of zero, but a lot of times, you might find that you want to keep going- I already did 10 min, why not do 5 more and make it 15? at 15, whats 5 more, i can do 20... and once ur at 20, you might as well do a full 30... works for me anyway.
  • NYAngel1089
    NYAngel1089 Posts: 593 Member
    You are not the only one who has this problem. I have been going thru this cycle for years. I was determined this time (as Ive been before) but when that off the wagon time came, I just kept going. It took me 2 1/2 weeks to get passed it. I gained weight, was eating horribly, not exercising and I was feeling awful! But I kept logging and now Im eating right again. I still dont have much time for exercise because school and work is getting to be time consuming, but I am under my calories again! I know how you feel. And trust me, I know the eating part of it. A big help is to drink a ton of water. Just keep your head high and each day is a new start. Youll get thru the off the wagon times, I promise!!!