anyone trying to get pregnant like me?

Just looking for women maybe having problems getting pregnant because of their weight. that's me. It's really frustrating because I just had my 31st birthday and just got married in April!! I do have one child but my husband would like one of his "own" even though he considers my son his. I really want another child horribly and get so dissapointed every month when my Aunt Flow shows up. I so badly want to make my husband happy and myself happy....


  • Morgan103084
    the only thing that seemed to work for me was to quit trying........ then Bam! that's all she wrote.
  • Asha0714
    Asha0714 Posts: 88
    My best friends are having the same problem. They got married in November and have been trying ever since. The doctor told her that it could be due to her weight gain. After a year of trying, they are going to start hormones. I guess this isn't really helpful to your post, buuut you're not the only one. My heart breaks for you ladies. I know how hard it is.

    Much luck to you!
  • helenlp83
    I'm not in the same boat but would like to echo what Morgan said. It does happen when you stop trying! Just concentrate on you for now and losing weight for you. Everything else that comes with it is a bonus. If you put too much pressure on yourself it doesn't help. Plus if you start getting healthy and exercising now then you can continue while you're pregnant and it's easier to lose the pregnancy weight afterwards. Fingers crossed for you xx
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Not personally but I have SO many girlfriends going through something similar. Just so you know, you're still quite young and there is still plenty of time. Could you focus on your health and fitness for say, a year and stop actively "trying"... (don't prevent anything, but focus on you instead) and then come back to it after you do that? Just a thought.

    I'm wishing you much luck!
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    After I had my daughter (6 years ago), my cycle has been soooooo weird. After giving birth, I was over 300lbs...and it just kept climbing. I would go MONTHS without a cycle, the MONTHS WITH a cycle...8 weeks max...crazy huh!! Now it's sorta starting to regulate...and I use that term loosely. I want to get pregnant too...but I don't know if it will work. I havent been on the pill since before I had my daughter, and nothing has happened. I want a child badly!! I'm still @ a weight where it would be high risk, so I am ok waiting a little longer. People ask if I will have another and I just respond 'If the Lord is willing."
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I highly recommend Toni Weschler's "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and Marilyn Shannon's "Fertility, Cycles, and Nutrition."
    I also struggled with secondary infertility, and F,C&N was an excellent resource. After having two daughters, I really wanted to try for a son, and we tried for a year and a half to get pregnant before we were finally successful. In my case, being overweight caused some hormonaly imbalances and once I corrected these, I was able to conceive. Charting/interpreting my fertility signs, changing my diet, and adding a few supplements helped. (In fact, now that I am healthy, I am apparently super fertile. :ohwell: )
    If you ever want to see a fertility specialist, they will usually have you chart your fertility signs first for a few cycles so that they can get an idea of what is going on. Learning it now would give you a head start if you ever needed it.
  • shortybb26
    shortybb26 Posts: 19 Member
    I am in the same boat... I have been trying for over a year. The doc hasn't said it has anything to do with my weight so far but I am trying to be proactive. I have read about it online. Also, I know before I was not getting the proper nutrition. I have no kids yet and want some soooo bad! Every month it gets harder and harder to keep hope. I have gotten the same advice from mothers that was given above about stop trying.. I'm not necessarily stopping trying but I am trying to focus more on my nutrition and being healthy. Also, I am terrified I will gain tons of weight while prego so anything I can loose before would be great.
    Good luck to you on your journey!
  • mrlapp01
    mrlapp01 Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same boat. My husband and I have been married for 5 years now and no such luck. I am about to turn 31 in the spring and am starting to get worried that it is just never going to happen :( BUT I know that my weight has a lot to do with it since I have hormonal issues and cysts as well. I want a baby so badly, but I also know that getting pregnant at my current weight is risky for me and a baby, so I am trying to only focus on me and getting healthy. If something happens in the meantime...GREAT!! But I completely understand where you are coming from and I am here if you ever want to talk about anything :)
  • corrinek81
    Thank you all for the positive vibes. :) I have started trying to get back on track w/ my weight and since August 6th I have lost 8 pounds so I am on the right track. One of my friends got pregnant and it really made me jealous and then I decided.... I can't blame her.... I need to take responsibility for myself. I love fitness pal and have been using this app on my phone called ENDOMONDO. This app uses GPS to track where you are walking/running or whatever you are doing.... tracks your time and how fast you are going. I really like it cause then I am not guessing how long or how far I have walked. Also, my husband and I talk about getting pregnant and how bad we want it but I have stopped obsessing about it. Like I said... it's really dissapointing when I get Aunt Flow though. I appreciate all the kind words. Really helps me. You have all given me some great advice. I will keep trucking. Someday it will happen... I just have to let it.
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 197 Member
    I have PCOS, my husband and I are not trying as of yet but I was told i may never have kids, but I don't believe that. The thing with pcos is if you lose weight and take care of yourself it usually reverses itself or minimizes. You may want to ask your doctor to test you for PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome). Good Luck, I will keep ya'll in my prayers because I know it's tough, my cousin has been married 5 years and has tried ever since, she was just blessed 4 weeks ago with a beautiful little boy :) and God will bless you too I'm sure! :)
  • corrinek81
    led_2006.... I just watched an episode of Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition. The girl had PCOS and she lost 200 lbs in a year (which i know is impossible unless you are working out 5 hours a day like her... ha). Anyway, she saw a doctor at the end and they told her she had a very good chance of getting pregnant. They told her she had basically reversed the PCOS and she was like a normal healthy woman. DON'T GIVE UP!!!!! :)
  • RolemodelmomT
    RolemodelmomT Posts: 107 Member
    You are NOT alone. My husband I have been trying for our second baby for over a year now. I turned 31 in February and I worry a bit about my age, as I still would like a third baby in the future. We did get pregnant in May...but I miscarried at the end of April, so I have been dealing with those hormones and have finally just finished my first period since. Now we are back to trying. We have decided not to put so much pressure on ourselves and I am concentrating on being a more healthy me...this is why I joined MFP. I know that my weight must play a huge roll in our lack of conception, even though my doctor has never come right out and said it. I am sending you big hugs and a whole lot of positive thoughts. Don't give up, it will happen!!
  • RolemodelmomT
    RolemodelmomT Posts: 107 Member
    Oh and THANKY YOU for starting this is nice to know that we are not alone on this.
  • Amcolecchi
    Amcolecchi Posts: 260 Member
    My husband and I are currently trying! Accepting friends trying too! :)