Hey Everyone,

I could really use some support. Some motivation and even more some tips! 4 WEEKS into my diet and already im comign to a stand still!


  • AliMariesDad
    I hit that 4 week wall as well. Keep working at it and pushing it. You'll get through it, and then you'll feel great about yourself. You've already done a good job - soon it'll be a great job.
    If you need more support and encouragement, feel free to add me as a friend.
  • MsLois101
    MsLois101 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm MsLois, I'm sad to hear that your stuck; that happens. I'm working my fitness around my job. In the morning I walk the dog 45 minutes then return to use my Shake weight for 10 minutes. In the evening I walk the dog for 15 - 20 minutes and then get on my mini trampoline while watching my favorite 1/2 hour program. I also may just do 15 min on the trampoline and 15 min of hula hoop. I hope this helps to give you some ideas to keep you motivated. You can add me as you pal, Be blessed!
  • MsLois101
    MsLois101 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello FrancescaBric, I'm MsLois. I'm sad to hear that you've come to a stand still; that happens to us all. What I do in my fitness regimen is: A 45 minute walk with my Lab, Max at 7:15 am, then upon my return I us my Shake weight for 10 minutes. In the evening, I use my mini trampoline (Sears $39.00) for 1/2 hour while watching tv, or for 15 min and hula hoop ($5.00 Walmart's) for 15 min. I also stretch my legs, lifting one at a time on the kitchen counter, for one min each; feels good on the back (do this morning and evening). I hope this gives you added ideas. You can add me as your pal Be Blessed! Let me know if you want to know how I changed my eating habits since the start of the new year.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Hi, I'm MsLois, I'm sad to hear that your stuck; that happens. I'm working my fitness around my job. In the morning I walk the dog 45 minutes then return to use my Shake weight for 10 minutes. In the evening I walk the dog for 15 - 20 minutes and then get on my mini trampoline while watching my favorite 1/2 hour program. I also may just do 15 min on the trampoline and 15 min of hula hoop. I hope this helps to give you some ideas to keep you motivated. You can add me as you pal, Be blessed!

    Ditch the shakeweight. Start some pushups/situps/squats, or use that time to walk the dog some more.
  • MsLois101
    MsLois101 Posts: 4 Member
    :wink: Thanks!
  • jenniferrow
    I find inspiration from friends/coworkers, who are also working out. Pinterest's heath and fitness category is very motivating. My favorite motivaiton is Hope this helps!
  • moxiepedia
    Stick with it!! We all experience stalls from time to time, but I believe it's normal. Just keep eating well, getting exercise in, and do your best! Think of your goals and your reasons for being healthy - keep your sights set on them!
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    I flipped through your diary.... Start logging everything you eat!! (unless you really are only eating 400 calories a day. In which case... :noway: ) But really, track it all so you know if you're eating too many calories, taking in too much sodium, etc, and then make the changes in your diet to break through that plateau. Good luck!
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    What kind of support are you looking for?

    I like making a list of what I am working towards, and why. Then I post it somewhere I see everyday.

    Also, remember that this isn't a sprint, it is a marathon. There will be up and downs. But, go back to that list and make it a priority.

    You can feel free to add me. :)

    (Also, if you are new here - check this link out. It is important to know what YOUR body needs. Don't fall into the trap thinking that eating less will help you long term.
  • Ncdaniel16
    Ncdaniel16 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey There! I am also right at my 4th week back into dieting, and would love to have you as a friend so that you may find any of my posting motivational or as part of a support team :)