Any females around 5'10"?



  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    I am 5'11.....weigh 157 right now, measurements are 35, 30, 39ish........thighs are each 24.75. I am just working on toning up a lot..hopefully I can get to 155 with just toning.
  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    hey guys!
    i love this thread i thought i was like one of the only tall girls... But im 5 11 and 155 right now my goal is to be in the lower end of 130s. i was around 135 when i met my husband. I dont do measurments but i am definitally bottom heavy. I gain in the lower half! Spoon shape!
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    I love the idea of having a thread for us tall girls. I can not relate to alot of the weight /size goals here due to sheer size of my structure ! Weight I can change....height not so much.
    So here's my deets....
    Height: 5' 10"
    Weight today :170
    Goal :145-150 or size 10 jeans whichever comes first
    Age, I never thought it mattered much but trust me,when it comes to weight loss it does : 49 yrs 11 1/2 months creeping up to 50 next month :noway:
    Measurements: 40 - 33 - 41 picture Bea Arthur will cool hair and highlights! Even with highlights having a figure like Bea Arthur is not cool.
    Pants size: 12, loose but not loose enough for a size 10, I HATE tight clothes. Suddenly I carry weight around my middle,and boobs keep getting bigger! WTH?
    Even when i was a blond hottie....back in the days of pacman, 8 track tapes and Peter Frampton, I didnt like tight clothes.
    God is smart, he made sure I didnt have confidance and that body at the same time. Damn shame when ya think about it :sad:
    I love this thread , I hope we keep it going.
  • ultraviolet29
    Ooo what a good thread, Im just under 5ft 9 and i need to lose about 5 stone if BMI was correct.. :mad: However Im aiming to lose about 3 to 4 stone because i will never be "skinny" ive been big and heavy boned since i was a kid, i was a bean pole tall and skinny but my mum couldnt pick me up, she could easily pick up one of my friends who was the same size as me though.:indifferent: I think we should aim for what we feel confident or comfortable in as there isnt anything realistic for us to go on.
    I must do my measurements and get back to you though :smile:
  • tinapink1967
    Hello fellow Tall Girls!!

    I am 5'11 and am on my way to my weight loss journey!! I am at 210 right now but the goal is 155!! 55 lbs to go. I have a large body frame so not to sure about the 155. But we will see. I am working out and have signed up for a 5k run in april. Better get on the ball!! My mid section will be the hardest after 3 c-sections and a hysterectomy the muscles in my stomach are gone!! But never say never. Good luck all and have a Great Day!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Woohoo! This is awesome. We are the mighty amazons :wink:

    I've decided I'm going to commit to 5 lbs at a time to lose. So for now, I hope to lose 5lbs in the next 4 weeks.
  • arabrablynn
    arabrablynn Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'10" as well. Let me know about a tall girls club. ;)
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    wow theres a lot of us. haha

    im 5'9 and i was 184 the other day . ill take measurements later cause i dont know them off hand

    my final goal is around 160 but right now im hitting a plateau with the actual pounds dropping so im working more on toning up. i am in a semi loose 14 and would like to be a 10.
  • sweetsusiq
    I'm new to the site, so here goes. I am 5'10" barefoot, and I was told to be between 170 and 230 by all of my healthcare professionals. I have a very large bone frame, thanks to all those football players in my family and those great genes! When I weighed 230, I wore a size 16 jeans, and around 200, I was a size 12/13. I hope to get back to that someday, and I am off to a good start...16 pounds in two weeks! I don't know my measurements right now, but I would like to support those taller women out there. Of course, I applaud anybody trying to lose weight, but I think it is emotionally harder when you're a tall, large boned woman and so many images in the public eye are of smaller, petite women. Anyhow, good luck to everyone!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I feel like I need to take my measurements tonight - I'm curious to see what mine are now after reading everybodys posts. :smile:
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I am 5'8" (on the short side for this thread) and I currently weigh 175. My goal is 160 which I think will put me back in my size 10 clothes. My current measurements are 41 bust, 35 waist, 43 hip. I am huge chested and have a curvy shape even when I am thinner. I've also had 7 kids so there is no chance that these hips will ever be tiny again. I am ok with that though.
    Best of luck to everyone.

    Me too! 5"8 174.....but no 7 kids! WHOA! Only 3 here. How do u do it? LOL! Good luck!
  • bunny_98
    bunny_98 Posts: 36 Member
    Man, I just love how this thread has taken off!!!! Yesterday I felt as if I was the only one with this problem, but now I see that there are many of us tall, beautiful ladies. I have always found if very hard to set realistic goals for myself. I will never be 36-24-36 (ha ha baby got back!!!!) I don't think I mentioned earlier that I am currently in a size 10 jeans comfortably and can get on 8's, but it gives a little muffin top. My goal now is to get those on and still be able to breath! :laugh:
  • CaitlinEats
    CaitlinEats Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 5'9" and around 215 right now. My goal is to get to around 150, which on me is pretty darn skinny (especially because I carry so much of my weight in my, er, chest). Right now my waist is around 37 inches, and I want to get to 32, in a magical perfect world. :)

    Uh, I just realized I have 65 lbs to go--yikes! I'm going to focus on 40 lbs by June. That seems aggressive but reasonable...
  • Derm94
    Derm94 Posts: 20 Member
    Sorry, total mess up posting. Don't know how to delete.
  • Derm94
    Derm94 Posts: 20 Member
    wow theres a lot of us. haha

    im 5'9 and i was 184 the other day . ill take measurements later cause i dont know them off hand

    my final goal is around 160 but right now im hitting a plateau with the actual pounds dropping so im working more on toning up. i am in a semi loose 14 and would like to be a 10.

    Is your profile picture of you now at 184 and 5' 9"? You look fantastic! Good luck reaching your goal. Jennifer
  • Derm94
    Derm94 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I am 5'8" (on the short side for this thread) and I currently weigh 175. My goal is 160 which I think will put me back in my size 10 clothes. My current measurements are 41 bust, 35 waist, 43 hip. I am huge chested and have a curvy shape even when I am thinner. I've also had 7 kids so there is no chance that these hips will ever be tiny again. I am ok with that though.
    Best of luck to everyone.

    Me too! 5"8 174.....but no 7 kids! WHOA! Only 3 here. How do u do it? LOL! Good luck!

    That's cool! What is your goal weight/size? I'm pretty busy with the kids but never too busy to eat. LOL Good luck with your goals! Jennifer
  • maz165
    maz165 Posts: 73 Member

    I'm 5'9 or 5'10 and currently weigh 154. I wear a size 10 jeans comfortably, but they're getting looser. It's really hard seeing how weight is relative to height--it's great that there are so many tall chicas here. :) This thread made my day.

    I've lost 15 lbs so far and would like to lose 5 more, I think. I have wide hips, but a pretty skinny frame underneath, I think. I was lanky throughout high school and didn't really gain weight until college and beyond...what a cliche. :laugh:

    Anyways, good luck to you all.
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    I'm a tall girl as well....for years I believed I was 5'11 until my physician recently informed me that I'm two inches shorter than I originally thought, but anywho....I feel like a giant in size compared to you ladies...I don't want to list my measurements because they are truly out of line with anyone who has posted. I'll just say I need to lose about 80 pounds to begin to even think of shopping in the misses section....working on it daily....did plyometrics last night (a killer workout) and I'm sore all over...Thanks for the motivation....someone, somewhere is always wanting to climb a tall girl....

    I was 270. I lost all my weight on my own and it was the hardest thing I ever had to do, because I had to face the fact that I had let myself get to that point at 18 years of age. Keep fighting & keep trying. You're worth it, no matter how much weight you think you need to lose to be able to put it in a message. Good luck!!
  • kittymom
    Hello from another tall girl!!!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I am 5'8" (on the short side for this thread) and I currently weigh 175. My goal is 160 which I think will put me back in my size 10 clothes. My current measurements are 41 bust, 35 waist, 43 hip. I am huge chested and have a curvy shape even when I am thinner. I've also had 7 kids so there is no chance that these hips will ever be tiny again. I am ok with that though.
    Best of luck to everyone.

    Me too! 5"8 174.....but no 7 kids! WHOA! Only 3 here. How do u do it? LOL! Good luck!

    That's cool! What is your goal weight/size? I'm pretty busy with the kids but never too busy to eat. LOL Good luck with your goals! Jennifer

    My goal is 155, but I want to be able to maintain 160! 5 lbs wiggling room! LOL!