scale hasn't moved in 4 days!

Isn't this a little weird?
I normally don't weigh myself everyday, but for some reason I found myself stepping on it every morning.
And each day it was the same, FOUR days in a row now.

Not sure if I should be happy or sad.


  • awmejia
    awmejia Posts: 147 Member
    Don't do it. Pick one day a week and only weigh on that day. Otherwise you will drive yourself nuts
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Yea, I've never done this before, and it is driving me nuts!!!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    You need to get a grip if you are weighing every day. I weigh every day, BUT I do so to follow my body's rhythm and see the effects of eating such as if I've had meat, white flour, sugar, salt, etc. My weight fluctuates 3 pounds on a daily basis. It is like looking at a body of water. It looks calm from a distance but upon close inspection there are little ripples in it from the tide. It is never "still".

    Stop weighing every day if you can't handle the ups and downs, because it will change daily. Your's has remained constant for 4 days so maintaining is good, too. Ounces don't show up on the scale. Get a tape measure also to check your measurements monthly.