Eating like crazy?

The past few weeks I've been pretty sugar crazy. Usually my pitfalls are grainy or potato carbs (white breads, mashed potatoes) but lately I've been eating and craving so much sugar.

My typical day starts out great - Wake up, half protein shake, workout, remaining protein shake, small banana, plain oatmeal w. splenda and cinnamon, greek plain yogurt with fruit and or honey, healthy lunch with high protein and at least 1 serving of veggies with some type of carb. So far so good. I feel good, I'm not hungry.

By 2 I'm pretty much willing to eat whatever I see, even seeking out candy or a cupcake and then having a not so great dinner. I don't know what the heck. I've tried to get more filling foods in the start of the day, even foods that taste good so that I'm not depriving myself of yummy food, but almost every night ends the same. What the heck guys?

Anyone in the same boat and has conquered it?


  • hauhaut901
    hauhaut901 Posts: 66 Member
    Yeah I also had that problem , specifically the first 1-2 weeks when I started eating healthy....It goes away eventually , I've read on it and it's because when you do the switch , your body still has the old habbits and expectations (especially if it's sugar) so it will keep craving it until enough time passes and you "flush" it out and stabilize it :)

    So...the only secret would be to be self-disciplined and stay strong for 1-2 weeks
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I try to fit in one small sugary treat each day. I look forward to it and it motivates me to eat healthy for the rest of my day.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Your eating sounds about like mine. If you are just starting out it may just be that craving kicking in> I'm starting to think with me that I am actually not getting enough fats because I seem to be starving every day at about 10 - 11 am AFTER I've already plowed back a huge breakfast and 2 snacks. Eating lunch doesn't seem to help either :(
  • britfout
    britfout Posts: 86 Member
    Go back and look at your food diary to the days you didn't binge. I find that there's a trend in my diary if I begin the day with a protein bar or shake I usually binge. If I begin with a spinach/veggie/fruit smoothie I ALWAYS have a good food day!
  • EmilyMN77
    EmilyMN77 Posts: 1 Member
    That time of day (2:00 pm or so) is so hard in general. Tired, hungry, etc. I'd ultimately like to eliminate all soda from my diet all together, but lately I've let myself have a diet Coke in the mid afternoon, convincing myself it is the sweet treat I need. It usually works to stave off the desire for something else sugary. I'd say it is 50% the soda and 50% the mind game of telling myself it is what I'm craving. :) We can play so many head games with ourselves. I'm also a huge coffee drinker, so in the middle of the day when I feel hungry, I make a cup of coffee and it usually shuts my brain off from wanting something else.
  • ljaroch
    ljaroch Posts: 64
    I think you guys are right, old habits die hard. I'm a classic yo-yoer so that doesn't help the situation. Unfortunately my food logs are incomplete because once I hit that 2pm I just don't even log I feel like such a failure. Sitting here bored at my desk doesn't help (I'm busy but gosh this work is boring.) I'm going to have to watch the clock and give myself something else to do besides eat something, maybe take a walk.