Looking healthy vs Feeling healthy

This happens to me alot. Before i used to be around 150 pounds and now my weight has dropped to about 140-143 pounds and people are telling me that i look really sick, unhealthy and need to eat a burger, but i feel great. I have alot more energy and i'm alot happier. As this happened to anyone else before?

Personally i'd rather look unhealthy to people and feel heathy intead of feeling unhealthy and looking healthy to people and i don't think i look bad at all. I think it's just that people are not used to seeing him at a lighter weight


  • lope
    lope Posts: 53 Member
    Only you know how good you feel. Lots of time people are just jealous.

    How tall are you?

    Are you exercising to go along with your weight loss. If a person slims up without exercise sometimes a person can look unhealthy.

    Strong is the new skinny... if you feel good & healthy... enjoy it!
  • Phill2488
    Phill2488 Posts: 97 Member
    i'm 5''10 and yes i am exercisng to go along with my weight loss. I use resistance bands 2 days a week and i jog on the treadill 5 days a week.
  • NiagaraCheryl
    NiagaraCheryl Posts: 56 Member
    A coworker was told by his doc to lose weight or not see the grandkids grow up, so he lost a lot of weight. Way too much weight. He looked really gaunt. He's near retirement and at that age extreme weight loss can make someone look seriously ill. Others started asking me if he was okay since he looked sick. Thankfully he's put a bit back on so that he looks good but the bulk of the "bad" weight is gone.

    Is it possible you've either lost too much weight for your frame or that your face looks too thin therefore the "sick" comments?
  • hazyjel74
    Eat healthy for your skin! Clear skin!