If it moves do you stop?

I guess this is part rant part question about everyday moving around.

I'm mainly talking about escalators and moving walkways here. I see soooo many people who seem to race to get on to them in front of me then just stop stock still and bang in the middle. No 'stand on the right please' so anyone else can get past either.

So if the surface moves in the direction you are going do you move or stop? Why (either way)?

And if you do stop PLEASE if you don't do so already - Stand on the Right (or the left I don't care just leave room for me to get past!)


  • kingpt11
    kingpt11 Posts: 27
    lol i know what you mean.
    i always move. And people always look at me like im the weirdo!

    and when i dont move (maybe im holding something heavy, or im just chillin'.. i always stand aside to the right. :)

    And dont you just hate those maybe-im-lost-maybe-not people, that just walk like snails, and suddenly stop in front of you?
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    move with it, it gets you there faster
  • BadgerSensei
    BadgerSensei Posts: 45 Member
    I do, but only because the only time I ride one is at 5 AM on my way to work. I want a minimum of existence, let alone walking, at 5 AM.
  • emsicle_o
    emsicle_o Posts: 162 Member
    know the feeling. I used to commute to London everyday and the people that just stood in the way or race to get in front of you then dawdle up the escalators when I was in a rush to get to work was a nightmare! Commuting was horrible! Glad I don't have to do it anymore :happy:
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    At work I'm stationed close to an escalator and it always make me laugh the stupid things people do around them xD
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I stop man! I can barely walk on stationary surfaces without falling! If I tried to move in an elevator or in an escalator I would die. A horrible, horrible death that would included tripping down all of those moving stairs and probably getting my hair tangled in the moving belt... it would be bad.
  • EpicRosie
    EpicRosie Posts: 30 Member
    I always walk on the moving walkways because if i'm not in a rush I just walk along side them to burn more calories but I only ever climb the escalators when whoever i'm with does it.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Those things terrify me. So I always stop. I'm desperately clinging to one handrail though, so plenty of room to get by on the other side.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Moving sidewalks...always walk...escalators...it depends what I'm carrying and how much energy I have!
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    I rarely use an escalator. There is usually a staircase nearby as well and I will use that instead. Same with elevators. I take the stairs. We stayed on the the 10th floor of a hotel last summer and we only used the elevator when we took our suitcases up to the room on the first day and back down to the car on the last day. If I have to use an escalator, I walk up it as its going. I always tell my grandkids that escalators and elevators are for the elderly and people who aren't able to do stairs and we are neither.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I work inside one of the resort in Las Vegas, and it is like running a gauntlet to get in and out of here every day. Mornings are not so bad, because most of the tourists are in their rooms sleeping it off. But in the afternoons, I have to dodge in and out of the people who walk around like turkeys in the rain. They don't have any idea of where they are going and no notion that they are walking right in front of you...or maybe right into you! LOL It's good exercise, tho. :)

    I am always in a hurry, so I walk on escalators and moving walk ways. I love those moving walk ways in the airport. You can really zoom down those things!
  • hiddensvelte
    hiddensvelte Posts: 53 Member
    I used to. Now I just bypass them, unless I'm at Atlanta int'l. During a layover in Detroit, I did a couple of laps around the inside of the airport (all concourses) and found that I was walking faster than those who stopped on the movers and ended about 15 feet (5 meters) behind someone who walked while on the movers :tongue: .

    Unless I'm beat, I don't take them (the non-powered stairs and walkways are clearer anyway) :wink: .
  • mehaffeymk
    mehaffeymk Posts: 154 Member
    i always walk on the moving walkways and sometimes not on the escalator because i'm usually on those at the malls and i've been walking and carrying things and it's a five second break. but yes i'm aware others want to walk so i stand to the right. but not walking on a moving walkway?? it's called a walkway! it goes slower than the people walking on the floor! why is that efficient?! plus walking while it's moving makes me feel super human!
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I always opt for stairs rather than escalators. Not because it's better for you, but because I am embarrassingly deathly afraid of escalators. I feel like my pants will get stuck in them or a part of me will get sucked into it at the top or on the sides or something. So, if there is no other option but to take the escalators, I stand frozen and don't even want to move a muscle. I'm that annoying person I guess. Stupid, I know, but it's my reality. :/
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Those things terrify me. So I always stop. I'm desperately clinging to one handrail though, so plenty of room to get by on the other side.

    WAHA! This is SO ME
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    If I'm in a hurry, I'll walk on the moving sidewalks, otherwise, I stand still and to the right so the fast people can get by. I never walk up/down escalators. If I wanted that, I'd just take the stairs.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    I have a New York City mentality:

    Walk... faster! I have a train to catch.
    I'm not waiting I keep moving I don't have that kind of time.
    The escalator moves? That's cool, keeping moving so we get off faster.
    Are you stopping to take pictures of the pretty lights on building facades? F*cking tourist. lol

    OK, its not that extreme but you get my drift. It was funnier as a dramatization.
  • GadgetGuy2
    GadgetGuy2 Posts: 291 Member
    Unless I'm pressed for time, I don't even get on.

    It's amazing how walking/climbing stairs can improve your general fitness/calorie burn, if you're sedentary to begin with.

    In other words, moving walkways/escalators are the anti-thesis of being at this site (i.e. they not fit, this site fit).
  • skessa
    skessa Posts: 13
    I usually walk. Unless I'm out of breath - some escalators are really long and steep! :P
    But even if standing on the wrong side of the escalator can be annoying, it's not nearly as annoying as the people who get off the escalator, and then stop dead, blocking the whole way. What do they think where the people piling up behind them are supposed to go?? evaporate or something?
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    If I'm by myself, I'll walk up the escalator.