Good/bad with maximums?

So, in my food diary it says things like (estimate) 200 carbs per day or 2500 sodium. If you reach those amounts, like 2400 sodium in one day, are you supposed to be happy that you stayed under? Or are you supposed to feel badly that you got so close to going over?

Is the goal to see how MUCH you can stay under - like, try to stay under 1000 sodium per day even though the max is 2400?

Or are the maximums given the amount that is considered good for 200 carbs per day is healthy and should be your goal vs. trying to stay way under 200?

Sorry if confusing. Maybe I am making this too difficult. Thanks for any help!:smile:


  • betherzsfa
  • jebreject
    jebreject Posts: 46 Member
    I think that you should be aiming for near those recommendations.
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    for me it depends--Sodium and carbs I try to stay close to or under. Fiber I try to exceed.
  • jebreject
    jebreject Posts: 46 Member
    That sounds like the right approach. I try to exceed protein as well.