Vent or whining or seeking support...whatever works

NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Yesterday I had the "I have to eat everything" day. So this morning already I feel like I need to eat EVERYTHING. So I'm here. I have to remind myself that my ultimate goal is my health. Although I may be weak right now, I CAN turn my day around and make it the best day!! I will exercise today. I will log today. I will drink all of my water today.

I can do this!


  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    You CAN do this!!! Whenever I have a craving, I just think to myself...Is this REALLY what I want? Or do I want to be healthy again? Will whatever you are craving help you or hinder you? Or try and fit something into your day in moderation. Don't completely deprive yourself. Take it one step at a time and you will cross that finish line before you know it!
  • I totally get days like that, seemingly uncontrollable cravings, and I try to psych myself out and pretend I've already eaten the cupcake or whatever it is that I want. My theory is that it's not really the food that I want, it's just to be eating. So for five minutes I enter the hypothetical world where I've eaten the cupcake. It feels good for a minute, then it feels awful. And by that point I'm really glad that I never ate it in the first place!
    Hope that bit of psychotic advice helps, it works for me! :-)
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks guys! I worked out after I posted that helped. I'm going to go to the store today and get some sugar free jello. That way, if I really really need something I can eat that.

    Thanks again!
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