Looking for friends and support :)

Hi i have been a member here for a while. have only very recently begun to take weight loss, and more importantly, my health, seriously. I was diagnosed with pcos a few years ago and have been trying to loose the weight with just the medication but it hasnt really done much so now its time to get my butt in gear. I Would love to have some new friends for support :)


  • WhoIsAmber
    WhoIsAmber Posts: 161 Member
    I have thought I might have PCOS too, but I've been too scared to get it checked out seriously by a doctor. :(
    I'll send you a friend request. :)
  • Johnnylove77
    Johnnylove77 Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to support you, msg me anytime!! Way to go btw you are gonna rock this
  • Esmeraldam11
    @whoisamber you should really get it checked out. It's important it may change your life but it's for the better
    @johnnylove77 thanks hun :)
  • thibk5
    thibk5 Posts: 40
    I also have PCOS! I will add you.

  • ibtzn
    ibtzn Posts: 2
    I've got PCOS too! Since the doc told me (approx a year ago) I have managed to lose 10kg and it's kept off. I wasn't taking it seriously though just changed a bit of my eating habbits. I'm 100% determined now and need just as much support and motivation as I can get lol so I will add you :D
    Anyone else looking for motivation and support feel free to add me!