Mini Plateau Encouragement!

mlove1307 Posts: 151
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey Everyone!! :]
I just wanted to start a thread to get this message out there.

You are Awesome. Do you feel great, are you smiling? Because you should be!

And that's it. Just by joining this site and waking up today and deciding to stay on plan and get to goal.. You are affecting more than you know whether the scale is budging or not. Even if you aren't losing inches, haven't lost anything this week, you are on this incredible, wonderful and truly life-changing journey.

Stick with it for you, because every one of us deserves the very BEST in this life. *HUGS!* This community is honestly fabulous. Rock on!

<3 Mica


  • jyt2573
    jyt2573 Posts: 80
    Wow - that was a wonderful gift to read this morning!

    I know that I do have a problem with gratification and weight loss. If I don't see the numbers I expect on the scale, it is way too easy for me to get depressed . I think I will print out this post and hang it on my monitor when I need an extra lift. Thank you so much!!!
  • Very nice!! I haven't hit a plateau yet, but I know I will eventually. You're right about the smiling and feeling good part. I had my weigh-in today, and I'm loving it!
  • roughjustice430
    roughjustice430 Posts: 1 Member
    Awesome post! Thank you so much for's just what I needed to "hear."
    Started my weight loss journey on April 1, 2009 and have lost 44 pounds. Underwent massive knee surgery back in October and am now finally able to start working out again.
    I've been so frustrated the last 3 weeks. I've been correctly counting my calories and not exceeding 1200/day and haven't lost even a pound in 3 weeks. UUGGHH But I do feel good since I'm now able to get back on the my treadmill and my friend and I even joined a gym. On top of that, I've been going to my post-surgical physical therapy since November and getting in some killer leg work outs. Oh well, I might be experiencing my first significant plateau, but this is just temporary and my body has got to be benefiting from all of this exercise some how I suppose.
  • This was just the start I needed today! I get on kicks where I just get so down about so many things... weight loss, life, blah blah blah... and this week has been one of those weeks where NOTHING seems to be going right! But reading this made my day and made me think that you are right! Even on Monday (when I weigh-in with my co-workers for our weight -loss challenge) if I don't lose any weight, at least I'm changing my LIFE. It's been only three weeks and its so crazy how I notice EVERYTHING about food that I didn't notice (or care to) before. Thank you!
  • Thanks for the encouragement! I'm going to have to print this out and post it in my cubicle at work along with my other great saying..... "NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD...AS THIN FEELS"!!!!
  • People like you are why I believe in hope in this world during this down and out times. May your health be abundant and your life full of zest!
  • lcmartin
    lcmartin Posts: 163 Member're so darn cute. thanks. We all need to hear that. You ROCK!!!
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    A MASSIVE thanks for that little pep talk, i really needed it
    you are fantastic!
  • saram21
    saram21 Posts: 88
    Thanks for that! We all need a little encouragement every now and then and its nice to get it!
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