Need help transitioning from Weight Watchers

Hi everyone! New here, and am looking forward to getting to know everyone. I am 35 years old and a single mother. I am 5 foot 8.

I am transitioning to MFP from Weight Watchers. I have already loss 124 pounds. I have 7 more pounds to reach goal. The reason for the transition is that I still have a lot of body fat; 26%. And although I work out, I am very flabby (fat flabby, not loose skin flabby). Someone suggested I come here and start paying attention to carbs, protein and fat and shoot for 40% carbs, and 30% each of protein and fat.

I do work out. I am a very big Jillian Michaels fan and have all of her DVDs. In the past I have done C25K for my cardio, or spinning or elliptical, mixed in with various Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper DVDs. Currently I am doing Jillian’s Body Revolution. Today was Phase 2; Week 5 Day 3.

The way WW worked is that you get a Daily Point allowance. Mine was 26 and I ate all of them every day. Then you get a 49 Weekly Point Allowance as well as Activity Points (every 80 cals burned is about 1 AP). I would eat my Daily Point allowance. On the weekends, I would use all of my Weekly Points and Activity Points. I am a single working mother with a full time job, a part time job, and an irregular freelance job for a third job. The weekends are spent cleaning, grocery shopping, laundrymatt, and various other errands and doctor, tutoring, or club team appointments as well as trying to spend time with the kids. I frequently eat out on the weekend but always stayed within my weekly points. If I ate at home on the weekend, then I would treat myself with an indulgent dessert or a few glasses of wine with those points. I religiously loss weight every week, for an average of 1-1.5 pounds per week,

How do I transition over to MFP? I enjoyed spending my Weekly Points over the weekend. It truly helped me stay on tract throughout the week.

Thanks for the advice!


  • jsherrill92
    jsherrill92 Posts: 775 Member
    Calories are your new points. Eat smart, exercise, and spend them wisely and you'll do just fine in transitioning.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Calories are your new points. Eat smart, exercise, and spend them wisely and you'll do just fine in transitioning.

    bump ^^^ this!... wow 7 pounds from goal?! thats amazing wt loss you already accomplished!!!!!
    welcome to mfp .. this is my 7th wk and I love it
    very similar to ww eating wise
  • bellabijou
    bellabijou Posts: 82 Member
    FIrst off - CONGRATS! That is an amazing loss!

    I have done WW a few times, but never had much success after they switched to the Points+ program. I LOVE MFP. Not only is the food database way better (blows WW online out of the water) but when I log my food in it tallys everything for me ( calories, fat, protein, carbs, sodium etc)

    You may find, the reason you still feel flabby is that you weren't always making the best food choices before. Yes you may have been staying in your points, but that doesn't mean you were necessarily eating things that were good for you, know what I mean?
    Also, I found that on WW i was using those extra weekly points on crap - booze and sweets, which aren't doing anything for the physique. Yes, you should have a treat every now and then, but every weekend? Probably not.

    As for working out, sounds to me like you might need to add some weights or resistance into your routine.

    I think you will like it here, I'd never go back to WW, honestly. Feel free to add me as a friend too.
  • So do you are just feeling really hungry all the time ? Do you feel like you are not getting enough to satisfy your hunger?
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    I have done WW from 2006 til now. I just got here this weekend. I think this is a more grown up approach. The transition was super easy for me. I think that you will be just fine.
  • Thanks everyone for the welcome!

    Nope, I was never hungry on Weight Watchers. I may have had a few moments along my journey, but usally I could pinpoint the reason (skipped a snack, TOM, etc).

    So for example, this weekend I have two dinners to go to. I am pretracking my food out and find that on both days I am going to go over my calories. On WW, I would just dip into my weekly points. But what do I do on MFP? Just sit negative points? On the next normal day, should I eat my exercise calories, or don;t eat them so it balances out?
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    Yes, eat your workout calories. You don't ever wanna leave any behind.