23 lbs lost so far. need motivation from YOU.. slacking


So I started this journey in June 2012 after seeing a beach photo (that I unfortunately deleted). I was 193lbs at the time (my gym scale said 200+lbs) and now I am down to 170lbs.

I'm posting this because I keep missing my Insanity workouts-- thankfully my diet is consistent and at a deficit so I am continuing to lose. My goal for August was to get down to 170lbs. And here I am! Here are pictures from the beginning of August to just now :D Enjoy!






  • rusialeelee
    oh and I'm 5'7. :)
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    You want to tone, do your exercises so you will tone up.
  • 911Megz
    911Megz Posts: 42
    You're doing great!!! Insanity is a hard workout! I actually haven't attempted it yet!!! :) I will sometime though! I have done other Beachbody workouts! You can add me if you want! :)
  • Aventuria
    Aventuria Posts: 151
    You can see a real change, why stopping now?

    Just go through with your exercises and you'll be in best shape in no time! :happy:
  • splitendswoman
    splitendswoman Posts: 41 Member
    You can really see a difference - I am particularly jealous of the way your arms look!!!! Well done you!!!!!
  • rusialeelee
    You want to tone, do your exercises so you will tone up.

    lol I read the "you are fat" statement. thanks. thanks a lot.
  • KajsaRedman
    Isn't it funny how you picked up on the comment that was the least complimentary? I am exactly the same! I think it's a curse of most women.
    Concentrate on the positive comments. You have already toned up in just a month! Wow, those arms and your abs! Imagine what another month can do.
    "No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch"
  • anashar
    anashar Posts: 67 Member
    For an 8 lb loss, it's such a big difference! I'm at 160, 5' 4" and don't look as good. You are doing very well. I guess doing Insanity or any other exercise you want to do will only speed up the process for you :)
  • mrshoneydew
    Good job! 23 pounds in 2 months is awesome! And it's amazing how much of a difference just 8 pounds makes!
  • rusialeelee
    Isn't it funny how you picked up on the comment that was the least complimentary? I am exactly the same! I think it's a curse of most women.
    Concentrate on the positive comments. You have already toned up in just a month! Wow, those arms and your abs! Imagine what another month can do.
    "No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch"

    hahaha yup I guess it's the little kid in me that always felt self-conscious.
    Thanks so much for your support. I think this is exactly what I needed to get me going again.
    And yes, we are lapping those couch potatoes :D

    Thanks again!
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    You want to tone, do your exercises so you will tone up.

    lol I read the "you are fat" statement. thanks. thanks a lot.

    I changed it because you are clearly not, and might be sensitive to it as I was when you are fat/overweight/obese it like a taboo a swear word.

    But that's what worked and still works for me I blanked out for 20 years that I was and still am fat.

    My train of thought and my main motivation for my loss:

    Until I CHOOSE to stop living in DENIAL about being FAT, I can then CHOOSE to do something about it, BY ACKNOWLEDGING that I was/am FAT and unhealthy I can CHOOSE to MOTIVATE myself.

    This enlightenment came to me while working in an office with many other fat people except for the ultra fit manager.
    Someone was saying that they hate being overweight as they ate a packet of crisps and a full fat fat coke, he simply said 'well its your CHOICE'

    And he is 100% right in my opinion, we choose not to exercise and we choose not to eat right.

    I find that harsh reality and being blunt motivates me.
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    PS good job you look amazing, keep going.
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    Maybe set mini goals working towards a bigger one? I've started doing that... Like, instead of saying I will lose 10 Kg before the end of the year, say I will lose 2 kg by the end of the month and then I will reward myself with (X). My new goal is to be able to do one whole Insanity video, without stopping... the whole 45 minutes!
  • meowkapow
    meowkapow Posts: 103 Member
    I can see great changes in the photos. Set aside time for the Insanity workout and press play even if you just watch it. You'll want to join in! I finished Insanity and not all those days did I give 100% but I persevered to the end and still got great results! Good luck!
  • malspaugh
    You look great! You motivate me! Im same height and same starting point as you, just a couple months behind you in this journey. I hope to be as successful as you are. Keep it up!
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