I have anemia I take 3 iron supplement pills each and every day for the last 10 months. I have tried to diet and exercise for the last 3 to 5 weeks. and in the last 3 weeks almost every single day I still get the "shakes".

I've read another forum posted on anemia and I know it says to eat iron enriched foods (which I also do) and to take a vitamin C tablet/pill.

Is there anything else I can do to combat the "shakes"?


  • shan1204
    shan1204 Posts: 36
    Are you sure the shakes are anaemia based? They could be low blood pressure, hunger, too much caffeine, etc. Go to your GP and get checked over.
  • Davaline
    Davaline Posts: 3 Member
    Yes I am going to go in and get re tested for diabitis. however I was tested last year and that was negative
  • gemmalianne84
    I'm anemic too but I've not had any shakes. It could be down to something else. Make sure you are not dehydrated or over exercising and get a check up from your GP.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I am also anemic. I rarely take my supplments (I really should...). from anemia, i get dark circles, cold in my extremities and random bruises on my body. i also get "the shakes" as you call them. but i am convinced this is from hypoglycemia - my mother is anemic and hypoglycemic and she gets the same symptoms.

    what i can tell you that helps me is to eat a balanced diet, and eat often. i usually dont eat three meals a day, i just graze throughout the day to keep my blood sugar balanced. i also have EXTREMELY low blood pressure, so that doesn't help.

    anyways - what i'm trying to get at is that it might not be your anemia.
  • Davaline
    Davaline Posts: 3 Member
    thankyou all for your suggestions and advice. I have a doc appt set up and I will go from there
  • Brendajo510
    I agree that it could be low blood sugar, especially if you find the shakes go away after having something with carbs or sugars (about 15 minutes after eating) and not necessarily iron. If this is the case, you may want to try long acting carbs, like starches and potatoes. Avoid quick sugar fixes like candy and pop as they will only elevate your blood sugar for a short time.

    I don't think its diabetes. Hypoglycemia is when your blood sugar is low. Diabetics (type 1 and 2) are going to have issues with high blood sugar if they are not yet diagnosed as their body does not have enough insulin. You could see if they could test your blood sugar level when you come in to see if it is relativity low.